Ian Bayne Reveals STOP OBAMACARE Website: "Move over Establishment, We Are Taking Control"

St Naperville, IL -- (SBWire) -- 08/01/2013 --Small business owner and congressional candidate Ian Bayne today revealed a new website dedicated to defunding and repealing Obamacare, and issued a call to all non-establishment Republican candidates to make the repeal of Obamacare the issue in the 2014 campaign.

The site, www.stopobamacarein2015.com, is an attempt to define the Republican party as the party intended to stop Obamacare, and Bayne hopes others will join.

"Stopping Obamacare needs to be the focus in 2015, and establishment politicians of both parties need to pay attention," said Bayne.

Bayne is no stranger to leading Republican movements, he was the leader of Massachusetts' 2002 "Draft Mitt" campaign that led to Mitt Romney ousting an incumbent GOP governor that was embracing liberal policies.

"Obamacare is the most defining moment in the history of America: do we move forward as a free society or turn back to the ages of government controlling people."

Bayne pointed out Obamacare's similarity to prohibition, in that prohibition was enacted and repealed.

A recent Fox News poll showed that 53 percent of people want Obamacare repealed.

"We are on the side of the people, we need to start acting like it," added Bayne.

About Ian Bayne
Bayne, 39, is a small business owner, with ownership in real estate, private investigation, and restaurant consulting. He is also a syndicated conservative talk show host in 16 markets, and a voiceover actor and member of the Screen Actor's Guild and AFTRA unions. He was formerly a Republican campaign consultant and served in the United States Army Reserve. His website is www.BayneforCongress.com.

Media Relations Contact

Ian Bayne
Bayne For Congress

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