Nursing School Requirements

Right now is a great time to learn more about the nursing school requirements and licensing processes in your state, as there is a great shortage of qualified registered nurses in the United States and thus a great deal of opportunity in this field. More nursing positions continue to become available as more and more nurses either go into areas of specialization or retire.

Trenton, NJ -- (SBWire) -- 02/07/2010 -- Right now is a great time to learn more about the nursing school requirements and licensing processes in your state, as there is a great shortage of qualified registered nurses in the United States and thus a great deal of opportunity in this field. More nursing positions continue to become available as more and more nurses either go into areas of specialization or retire. It is important to understand the educational requirements necessary to obtain a nursing license if you are thinking of embarking on this exciting and rewarding career path.

Before you can even begin thinking about the nursing school requirements, you must think about the prerequisites that must be fulfilled before you can even apply to any program. Each school has varying prerequisites and varying curriculum styles; there are some guidelines that apply to all schools. Almost all schools require passage of the SAT or ACT, as well as a minimum GPA that could be anywhere from 2.0 to 3.25, depending on the school. If you had a poor GPA or did not take the SAT in high school, however, you can often attend a community college and transfer into the nursing program.

Once you get into a nursing school (, requirements to complete the program will also vary, although the end goal is always the same – to obtain your RN license. There are also additional education programs and graduate programs you can complete once you have obtained this license if you want to go into a certain area of specialization. Getting the RN license requires passage of a state exam, and before you can sit for the exam you must have obtained a hospital diploma, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in nursing. These take two, three and four years to complete respectively.

Nursing school requirements include coursework in anatomy, biology, and other areas of science, as well as the completion of various steps in order to pass the exam and get licensed. Once you have completed these requirements, you will have a host of career opportunities awaiting you in a variety of locations, healthcare settings and specializations. It is a great time to be a nurse.

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