How to Deal with Anxiety - Simple Method Unlocks Mental Prison

Delta, CO -- (SBWire) -- 11/29/2013 --Are you desperate for a solution on how to deal with anxiety? Then get ready to be astonished at how Andrew has learned to reduce anxiety levels in just a few weeks and continues to improve, using simple natural methods.

Three years ago Andrew suffered from what he calls ‘burn out’. He was putting in long hours as a self-employed contract accountant. There was plenty of work and he really felt unstoppable with the adrenalin pumping. Then one afternoon his heart started pounding, he was in a cold sweat and he was having difficulty in breathing. He went to the hospital thinking that he had suffered a heart attack but the doctors could find little physically wrong with him. He was a little overweight and his blood pressure was slightly elevated but otherwise he was physically in reasonable shape.

What Andrew had experienced was an anxiety attack or panic attack. His adrenalin had risen to such a level that it triggered ‘fight or flight’ anxiety attack symptoms. The more scary physical symptoms of the anxiety attack subsided but Andrew reports that he continued to feel “a buzz” throughout his body, as though it was “switched on all the time.”

Conversely his mind was left feeling numb. He told us that he could only concentrate for a short time before his mind “turned to cotton wool and shut down”. This is a classic symptom of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). He could no longer work and had to rely on social welfare. Being unsure how to deal with anxiety, he became a virtual recluse. Andrew still had clear visions of a future but it was as if his mind was preventing him from acting. He describes how he felt “a prisoner of my mind”.

The doctors prescribed medication and referred Andrew to counsellors and a cognitive behaviour therapist. Some of the symptoms of anxiety attack were temporarily alleviated but none of these treatments offered any lasting solution on how to deal with anxiety. Then a few months ago Andrew came across ‘Panic Away’ on the internet.

His continuing anxiety and the previous failed treatments meant that Andrew was apprehensive but he decided to purchase Panic Away and give it a try as it did tie in with his preferred natural approach to health and offered a 100% guarantee. After only a few weeks of using the techniques Andrew describes “the fog lifted from my mind and I could think more clearly.” He no longer feels constantly anxious and is now in the process of rebuilding his contract accountancy business.

We asked the question….what exactly is ‘Panic Away’ and why is it so successful?

Panic Away teaches techniques that calm the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response that is the cause of the anxiety. Once the anxious mind is out of the way the rest of the autonomic nervous system is allowed to come into balance. Barry McDonagh, the creator of Panic Away, says that “Panic Away teaches you to trick your anxious mind out of the way so that your body and mind can begin to relax again.”

Our Conclusion:
If you have experienced an anxiety attack or a panic attack or suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Panic Away might provide a natural and effective solution. If you are determined to learn how to deal with anxiety we recommend that you take a look at this popular product today.

James Young
Total Peace of Mind
144 Palmer St.
Delta, CO 81416-1732

Tel: 1-970-874-4667

Media Relations Contact

James Young
Total Peace of Mind

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