New Zealand Resveratrol Review Website Launches

Auckland, New Zealand -- (SBWire) -- 08/11/2010 -- A new resveratrol website has been launched to help people make an informed decision when purchasing the popular supplement. The site was started by Sam Bakker after multiple reports from some of his client’s customers of low quality products and internet scams. Sam as a result decided to take action and set up a website that provides reviews on various resveratrol supplements. Sam’s website ensures that New Zealander’s who want to buy the supplement can do so in complete faith that they are getting what they paid for.

Sam has added the first resveratrol supplement review to his website. The first product he researched was the “Ultra Renew Resveratrol” from Pharma foods. For his first resveratrol review he consulted with Leanne James, a qualified Naturopath and health practitioner and asked her about the product to get an informed view of how good it really was. You can view Sam’s review here.

Sam intends to continue researching other Resveratrol Supplements on the web publishing his findings as well as feature a number of articles about the uses of Resveratrol. Sam has also made a point to include relevant information about internet Resveratrol scams. Scams online throughout the health industry are a big problem at the moment. Currently there is a resveratrol free trial scam that claims resveratrol users can get a free trial to sample resveratrol, what is not made clear to many who take the free trials though is that in handing over their credit card number they are committing to a monthly reoccurring billing program that for many, leave them out of pocket and feeling ripped off, paying for over priced resveratrol.

Sam hopes that his website can provide New Zealander’s with all the information they need in order to make the right choices when it comes to purchasing a resveratrol supplement online. If you would like to view Sam Bakker’s Resveratrol Reviews website you can do so at

Contact: Sam Bakker
Company Name: Moderncogs
Telephone: 64 9 8899 542
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Media Relations Contact

Sam Bakker
64 9 8899 542

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