HYPEZ Demystified the Fallacies About the Use of Instagram as a Tool in Boosting a Brand's Reach

Hypez, a reputable site that builds companies’ brand credibility and is the best place where we can buy Instagram follower, demystifyies the fallacies about the use of Instagram and explains how the use of Instagram and having a good set of followers on it would eventually boost the confidence of companies to make use of it in their daily marketing and branding efforts.


San Jose, CA -- (SBWire) -- 09/17/2014 --Instagram, being a rising star in the field of social media, has progenized its popularity in a span of two years. Visual marketing, one of the trends in marketing today, has catapulted with the help of Instagram. Brands drifting away from the conventional ways of marketing and advertising have shifted to boosting their online presence in building greater reach for their online presence.

Despite the promising results of using Instagram for enhancing companies’ portfolio and customer / client reach, why are some companies still hesitant to try it out? There had been misconceptions about the use of Instagram that actually only limit the ability of scared companies to garner a stronger user base for them.

Hypez, a reputable site that builds companies’ brand credibility and is the best place where we can buy Instagram followers, demystifyies the fallacies about the use of Instagram and explains how the use of Instagram and having a good set of followers on it would eventually boost the confidence of companies to make use of it in their daily marketing and branding efforts.

Visual Marketing are for Brands with Visual Products

Companies who are in the services business tend to think that Instagram won’t bring benefits to them since they don’t sell products and that they don’t have any photos to share. Instagram is in fact a very good avenue for services businesses to showcase what they have and what they do via sharing photos of them “in action”. Photos of company activities, celebrations, and events can be posted in Instagram making these companies encourage not only potential customers, but also potential employees.

Nothing Else Can be Done Other than Posting Photos

As opposed to the old notion that only posting of photos can be done in Instagram, the social media site can do more than that. The use of hashtags in campaigns that can be posted via Instagram is one thing that can be done. And this activity does not limit its reach to Instagram users alone. Instagram is capable of linking content to other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so the reach is far greater that we can imagine. Campaigns that are being promoted by Instagram, when it strikes the attention of the public, can create greater publicity.

Instagram are Confined for the Big Companies and Brands to Use

Not at all true. In fact, a lot of start-ups and small companies benefit a lot from using Instagram in their marketing efforts. Big companies, small companies, whatever verticals they are from, can all benefit from Instaram. It’s just a matter of strategizing how to brand themselves.

Businesses Who Use Instagram Give their Rights to Instagram to Use and Sell their Photos

The moment this humor started spreading, Instagram has made the necessary revisions in their terms and policies making it all clear to its users that Instagram’s terms in advertising would basically be the case as that of Facebook’s, and selling of photos is strictly prohibited.

No Analytics can be Measured via Instagram

There is now a wide array of platforms that can be used for Instagram analytics, debunking the old idea that marketing efforts made through Instagram cannot be measured. This plethora of web apps available include SumAll, Statigram, Simply Measured, Nitrogram, GramPro, and Static.

HYPEZ is the best place to buy Instagram followers and likes! Hypez is the reputable site to build a brand’s credibility fast on Instagram at extremely affordable prices. At Hypez, all their customers have their full attention. They take care of customers’ requests to ensure that whatever product or service they deliver will result in satisfaction. They will experience Hypez’ proven track record for credibility in the quality of the products that they deliver as well as that of the professional customer service that they offer. When customers do business with Hypez, you will soon realize that what they say one will get is indeed what Hypez will deliver. Therefore, whether a customer purchases any of Hypez’ Instagram Followers packages or their Instagram Likes packages; customers will be getting excellent product with full email support.

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Galin Georgiev

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