Mogicons and the Many Uses of Emoticons: Is the Use of Emoticons the Eight Habit of Highly Successful People?

Mogicons, a producer of Facebook emoticons for statuses, advocates the use of emoticons in the proper way whether it is for work or for personal purposes as they firmly believe that emoticons add a positive effect on enjoyment, personal interaction, and a recognized information affluence and value.


Beaver Falls, PA -- (SBWire) -- 10/10/2014 --Emoticons have always been criticized since time immemorial. In fact, in 1994, emoticons were demanded to be banned by a Seattle Times columnist. Are emoticons really considered as the “smallpox of the internet”?

Emoticons, especially those that convey positive emotions, do not at all deserve the miserable reputation that time had given them. Researches made on the effect of emoticons reveal that positive emoticons “can win over friends, make a person likable, and boost one’s mood”.

A group of computer scientists established the fact that embracing the use of emoticons is the “eight habit of highly successful people”. According to Simo Tchokni of the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, "Individuals who use emoticons often (and positive emoticons in particular) tend to be popular or influential on Twitter”.

How is it possible? And so they say, “We can forget about dressing for the job we want. But type emoticons for the status we crave.” Though emoticons would not change one’s standing overnight. However, mimicking the social media elite is a good start to land in the ranks.

Emoticons are Created to Add Emotions (and to Clarify Them)

How would one feel about receiving a bad news via email or a personal Facebook message with a smiley emoticon in the end? Wouldn’t it create a lighter mood and not make the “sad” news a “sadder” one? Adding a smiley emoticon can lessen the sting of what otherwise seemed like a more downbeat command. On the other hand, a seemingly reprimand in any message can convey a lighter tone if a positive emoticon will be used.

Use of Emoticons in the Business World

While emoticons are not allowed in professional emails and professional chat conversations, it is inevitable that smiley faces now belong to the business missives. Some research would say that seeing a smiley face in a business email would gain lesser trust from the readers. While employee-to-employee relationship would not mean that less trust would be given to a boss who sends a friendly reminder to his team about a certain policy.

The blow of seeing a smiley face in a buttoned-up business e-mail can produce a "positive expectancy violation" -- an act that challenges our forecast, but in a way that plots or amuses us. In this logic, the emoticon's youthful associations may in fact work in its goodwill. There had been several hypothesis as well that say that in the sterile milieu of a work email, where formality is hyped as a way to build professionalism, getting an emoticon is a surprising, but welcome, "friendly, emotional and personal" act.

Mogicons, a producer of Facebook emoticons for statuses, advocates the use of emoticons in the proper way whether it is for work or for personal purposes as they firmly believe that emoticons add a positive effect on enjoyment, personal interaction, and a recognized information affluence and value.

About Mogicons: Facebook Emoticons
Mogicons Facebook Emoticons has a large collection of facebook emoticons that will surely appear pretty much everywhere on facebook. With Mogicons’ emoticons users can now give their words a personality and astonish their friends with thousands of funny and entertaining emoticons and stickers.

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Galin Georgiev

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