Bridgen Group Launches Webinar Series: The Future of Cyber Security 2015 and Beyond


Brantford, ON -- (SBWire) -- 06/15/2015 --The Bridgen Group has launched its webinar series, The future of Cyber Security 2015 and beyond. The webinar series aims to discuss certain topics such as the differences between malicious and non-malicious threats, and useful steps that can be taken to minimize your cyber risk. The discussion panel on the webinars features a number of global cyber security experts and several current clients of the company.

Speaking to the media, Ms. Bridgen, the founder and CEO for Bridgen Group said, "We have been impressed to see the number of C-leaders from organizations in North America expressing not only an interest in our series, but requesting immediate assistance in their recruitment efforts; they are looking for people with very specific experience and credentials. One HR rep called us 'Iron Man' and suggested we are the 'Avengers' of the cyber security recruiting industry."

Bridgen also said that for her, recruiting doesn't only mean the collection of resumes. She continued, "We never have any problem finding candidates for the positions, but what matters to us is to shortlist the most suitable candidates for a particular organization and its current team."

Bridgen maintains that she wants her company to be seen as not merely a vendor or supplier, but as a trusted partner to the organizations it serves – today, tomorrow and in the years to come. She concluded, "We plan to keep seeking out the best cyber threat experts or 'heroes'. We are proud of our role in defending against cyber-crime and global cyber threats."

The Bridgen Group has a highly experienced team of recruiters who have the knowledge and ability to determine the needs of each client. These recruiters are also affiliate recruiters at Donaldson & James. The company helps organizations avoid data breaches and put in place better protection against cyber-crime by recruiting the best cyber security experts for them.

About Bridgen Group
Bridgen Group is a Canada based cyber security professional recruiters firm that offers first class Cyber Security Response teams. The company is owned and founded by Ms. Bridgen and specializes in senior to C-level cyber security professionals.

Contact Information
Contact Person: R. Sonoda
Contact Number: 1.855.568.7900
Address: 64 Gaydon Way, Brantford ON
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Media Relations Contact

R. Sonoda

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