New Bestseller Offers a Charming and Humorous Entrée to the Next Level of Conscious Awareness - Let Murphy Be Your Guide

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 06/29/2015 --While there may be a plethora of books on consciousness, none is quite like the new bestseller, Lord Have Murphy: Waking Up in the Spiritual Marketplace. It's a funny, sardonic commentary that's also a brilliant entrée to a new level of consciousness unknown to most people who have dabbled in meditation, mindfulness and even yoga.

The book's author Fran Shaw, Ph.D. is a longtime practitioner in a spiritual discipline and an award-winning university writing instructor. Out of her fertile mind has popped Murphy, the star narrator of this journey into a new level of awareness. And Murphy has a wry comment on EVERYTHING!

Murphy demurs from being a teacher—no guru is he—yet his exploration of the nature of this deep new level of conscious awareness is a fun-filled, quip-induced, deeply funny, pathway to the higher self.

As Fran notes, "We hear a lot these days about mindfulness. As Murphy says, 'Weapons of mass instruction are proliferating.' How to clear the air? To trust what's in us and that we're finding our way to it. With unrelenting humor, this book tells the tale of Murphy giving it a try, only to discover in himself an extraordinary truth: that contact with the finer energy animating us awakens us to a completely different level of being alive."

Whitley Strieber, the host of the hugely popular Dreamland podcast and Unknown Country website, praised Lord Have Murphy on Goodreads: "Exquisitely conceived and executed, with marvelous drawings by Bruce M. Sherman. There is almost nothing more difficult than to open doors in the sleeping soul with humor, but Fran Shaw is a genuine master, and does it with grace. Every page contains a small shock, pleasurable, surprising and joyous. 'God laughs and plays,' said Meister Eckhart. To wake up into this singing, exuberant world, the first step is to laugh. Lord Have Murphy is a funny, punny, brilliantly attentive doorway into the incredible richness of real connection with higher self and the immense world around us, of which we normally see so little. This book is very special. It has a gentle, deeply spiritual touch that you reach through its humor and beauty. I have really never seen anything quite like it. An extraordinary door into attention."

Murphy's satirical comments will make readers laugh out loud; the book appeals to both of our natures, the everyday and the higher. For Murphy the daily ups and downs become the necessary reminders to awaken, and "we don't have to be a certain way to wake up." All that we need is already in us, hidden from our usual mind. "Nothing about me needs to change except where the attention is."

About Fran Shaw
Fran is herself an inspiration to countless others. She is a university professor and an award-winning author whose books include Notes on The Next Attention, Writing My Yoga: Poems for Presence, 50 Ways to Help You Write, and Lord Have Murphy: Waking Up in the Spiritual Marketplace.

This book is an invaluable guide that will help readers recognize their own power. Anyone who takes the time to truly absorb the messages in Murphy's story and follow the advice within will learn exactly how they can overcome any challenge so they can live by choice…not by chance!

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Contact: Fran Shaw
Phone: 704-966-6647

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