World Trade Center Survivor Shares Her Strength and Courage About Recovering from the Tragedy

The Human Spirit Has the Resiliency To Overcome Tragedy

Columbus, OH -- (SBWire) -- 08/11/2015 --Leeky Behrman was on the 61st floor of 2 World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 when the plane hit her building. For the past 14 years, Behrman has inspired others with her story of survival, but on this anniversary, she wants to share the power of resiliency. It is her core belief that all humans have the ability to overcome tragedy, which lies in the power of choice.

Behrman has written her memoir, The Choices We Make, where she journeys through her life in a gripping and riveting tale, surviving one ordeal after another, including the attack on the World Trade Center, and then the suicide death of her sister. Faced with heart-wrenching pain, she had to choose how to move beyond the overwhelming guilt of surviving, to choose love, to choose happiness, and find the gratitude of the experience.

"There was a moment when I knew that I was at a pivotal point in my life. I knew that I could get lost in all of the pain of watching others not make it out of World Trade and not being able to help my sister overcome a life that I found a way to survive," says Behrman. "I knew the pain could ruin me,and I knew that I wanted more than that out of life. I was not sure if I was strong enough to do it for me, but as I was lying there next to my loving husband, I decided at that moment that he deserved more than a wounded soul. He deserved the best of me, and that's when I made the decision to heal." The Choices We Make: A Memoir about Surviving and a Journey to Love & Happiness is available through Ingram Content Group, September

2014, $19.99 for paperback (ISBN: 978-0-615-98827-6), $9.99 for ebook (ISBN:978-0-692-27380-7), which are both available now, and $27.99 for hardbound

(ISBN: 978-0-692-48602-3), which will be available September 2015. Books are available at, or by calling 773-407-0701, or email

Behrman shares her soul-searching journey through the healing process:

1. Acceptance helped Behrman move beyond spending emotional energy of wishing that things had happened differently.

2. Forgiveness was a gift that Behrman gave to herself once she realized that anger would not bring her life back.

3. Gratitude became effortless, and Behrman realized that all of her experiences, both traumatic and joyful, were gifts and part of the journey to becoming who she is today.

To view Behrman's accounts of her escape from the World Trade Center, watch her keynote address at Indiana State University on September 11, 2014, which is available at

The media and bloggers can get a free copy of The Choices We Make by contacting

About Leeky Behrman
Behrman has worked for Fortune 100 financial service firms, which positioned her in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. She is a certified trainer, communications professional, and inspirational speaker. Despite life's challenges, Behrman has maintained a passion for life, which she shares with her husband and Old English Sheepdog, Gabby in the Midwest.

Contact Information:
Leeky Behrman
Skype: leeky.behrman

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Leeky Behrman
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Leeky Behrman

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