Reliable Source for Information About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/24/2015 --News media reports about alarming increases in Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) have been seen and heard more and more often during recent months. Various causes have been suggested such as the growing acceptance and use of online dating services, or easily accessible phone dating apps like Tinder. Regardless of the cause, one thing is certain. The fact that it is happening makes the availability of good information on STDs more important than ever. The website has a Knowledgebase section with easy to understand facts. HIV and Hepatitis have received considerable publicity, but there are several other forms of STD about which men and women of all ages should be aware and informed, such as syphilis and herpes, both of which have seen rapidly rising infection rates across the US.

The Knowledgebase on this website covers a number of STDs, discussing symptoms, precautions, cures and the importance of testing. The website also provides a list of 4,000 testing facilities nationwide, so it is likely anyone looking for a conveniently located test location will be able to find one. The facilities on the list are fast, accurate and embarrassment free. No doctor referral or health insurance is necessary, same day testing is available and results are received quickly.

Many people rely on incorrect or incomplete information to support their belief they are in no danger from STD's. For example, they may not realize that most contraceptive methods only protect against pregnancy, not STD's. Using condoms is necessary to prevent most sexually transmitted diseases but some can spread even with proper condom use. Some people believe they could not possibly get an STD because they are not promiscuous or gay. No matter how responsible they are, how smart, or how clean, it is still possible to contract STD from a partner. Relying on a belief that annual medical examinations automatically include tests for STD can be dangerous. reports that only about one-third of physicians test their patients for sexually transmitted disease during regular exams; and of the doctors who do these tests, about half test only for HIV, none of the other diseases.

This Knowledgebase offers information on Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Oral Herpes, Genital Herpes, HIV and Syphilis. Sexual Wellness Centers suggests those who may want to get tested follow these steps: Become informed about STD's, order a test for the disease causing concern, select a nearby testing site, get the appropriate test and results. The results should be delivered within 1-3 days, followed by a phone consultation with a doctor who will prescribe medication or advise on further action.

Almost everyone is warned and given information about STD in school, yet many ignore what they were taught and have unprotected sex anyway. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have data indicating STD is reaching epidemic levels with over 20 million new sexually transmitted disease cases each year. More than half of these are among people age 24 and below. Whether the reason can be traced to the influence of online dating services, social media, relaxed controls over movie and television content, a combination of these or something else entirely, it is a problem demanding immediate attention.

For more information visit Sexual Wellness Centers.

About Sexual Wellness Centers
Sexual Wellness Centers is a health related website that provides information about many types of sexually transmitted diseases as well as their symptoms, cures, and necessary precautions to take to avoid contracting diseases. We also provide a large database of clinics that connects people to an STD testing facility near them for fast private testing.

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Stephen Lococo,

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Stephen Lococo

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