Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith, LLC Handles Birth Injury Cases Involving Microcephaly


Baltimore, MD -- (SBWire) -- 03/11/2016 --The attorneys of Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith, LLC strive to bring justice to medical malpractice that occurs during childbirth, causing the baby to develop cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy can occur from an unintentional birth injury that could have been prevented or avoided had it not been for the error of medical personnel. Recently, a cerebral palsy-related condition called microcephaly has been linked to the surfacing Zika virus, and the lawyers aim to bring awareness to the health condition. The law firm has handled birth injury cases involving microcephaly and urge parents who have a child with the chronic condition to seek compensation if they feel that medical malpractice might have played a role in the development of the neurological issue.

Ever since the mosquito-transmitted infection, the Zika virus, spread to the Western Hemisphere last May, pregnant women have been warned to take preventative measures. The Zika virus can have a negative effect on the health of the baby, resulting in conditions such as microcephaly. Microcephaly is an abnormal head growth of which the head circumference is smaller than it should be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that since Zika has appeared, more than 4,000 babies born in Brazil have been diagnosed with the condition. However, microcephaly also develops as a result of traumatic brain injury, lack of oxygen, failure to diagnose and prevent, and negligence.

Babies born with microcephaly are more likely to have cerebral palsy and face health issues such as developmental delay, seizures, difficulty swallowing, hearing loss, and vision problems. The first step to locking in the financial comfort and assistance needed to secure the child a future with lifelong treatment and therapy is consulting with an experienced cerebral palsy claim lawyer in Baltimore, MD. Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith, LLC has represented numerous cases where the child developed Microcephaly due to medical malpractice, providing a strategic legal approach for obtaining the best possible outcome.

Parents looking to consult with a birth defect lawyer in Baltimore, MD at Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith, LLC can schedule a complimentary meeting by dialing 877-292-6491.

About Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith, LLC
GWGS is a nationally recognized medical malpractice and cerebral palsy law firm, which includes doctor-lawyers who represent birth injured children in Maryland, the District of Columbia and throughout the United States on a pro hoc vice basis (with permission of the court).

To learn more, visit their website at

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