Do You have an Accurate Perception of your Medical Practice?

The first step to becoming competitive is stepping away from your bias and seeing your brand as others see it.

Kansas City, MO -- (SBWire) -- 02/08/2011 -- Many healthcare leaders don’t take the time to research how their practice or network is perceived by their patients or community.

They have a certain, often idyllic view of their business and they rather not hear differently. Yet it’s hugely important to not only be curious about your brand status, but to research it, as that information arms you for positive change.

“When we do a medical mystery shop of our clients’ practices, we find that their patients and community perceive them a lot differently than they originally surmised,” says Jamie Verkamp, partner at (e)Merge. “Clients are often surprised by comments and insights that highlight shortcomings or strengths they had never noticed. After an objective assessment, their organization is more confident in its working practices and ready to improve areas of weakness.”

Verkamp says you can start seeing your practice as those around you see it today. Google your practice, doctors and competition. Don’t be afraid to read google reviews or healthgrades comments. Ask patients for feedback. Enlist professional mystery shoppers. “Remember, even if you take a quick bruise to the ego, it’s worth a chance for improvement, and who knows, maybe more business.”

(e)Merge is a medical growth consulting firm specializing in providing innovative, patient-centric marketing initiatives and medical mystery shopping services that enhance patient experiences to increase referrals. Programs are designed to strategically achieve sustained patient volume growth for medical practices and health organizations. Call 877-362-6584 or visit for more information.

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