Regal Financial Gets New Identity and New URL

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 03/21/2017 --Regal Financial has changed it's name to Regal Credit Management and its web address and email domain to

CEO, Anthony Davenport, said "We're proud to be founded and headquartered in New York City. But we've been growing nationally, and it's time to take ownership of that fact."

Davenport also said, "We've never been a generic financial services company offering everything to everyone, and providing excellence to no one in particular. Our focus is broad, but it's on credit. Credit in particular is so important to you and we take that incredibly seriously."

Regal Credit Management builds and protects credit profiles for consumers who don't have the perfect credit profile that banks are looking for. Regal clients span the gamut from new citizens of the US, to athletes and entertainers just starting to make it big. Davenport points out that credit affects every aspect of life our lives. "Employers check credit profiles. You sometimes can't rent, and definitely can't buy a home with poor credit."

Even if a credit profile is merely adequate, that credit score and profile dictates how much consumers pay for nearly everything. The best scores pay less over a lifetime–and that translates into hundreds of thousands of dollars for a consumer and their family.

Davenport said, "To borrow four words from Cuba Gooding Jr, Regal Credit Management is about 'show me the money!' Our fundamental mission is to increase your wealth, and help you protect, preserve, and grow that wealth, so you can prosper."

About Regal Credit Management
Formerly known as Regal Financial, Regal Credit Management launched in 2010 to create result-driven credit solutions for consumers and businesses. Regal's team understands how credit—or lack thereof—impacts livelihood, and works tirelessly so clients can live life on their own terms.

About Anthony Davenport
As founder and CEO of Regal Credit Management—a credit management and repair company—Anthony Davenport is a financial literacy expert. He has provided credit management and protection services to professional athletes, sports franchise owners, and award-winning performers and musicians—both directly and through wealth advisors, financial planners, agents, and much more.

Media Contact:
Christina I. Morales

Media Relations Contact

Christina I. Morales

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