6 Chess Masters Tackle the Problem of Teaching Kids Chess

Amsterdam, Netherlands -- (SBWire) -- 06/12/2018 --To reinvigorate the interest of kids in a complex game like chess, 6 masters of chess have shared their solutions to teach children chess, contributing to the development of CrocoChess. Crocochess made by and for children, designed specifically to make the toughest game in the world fun and interesting to learn for young, curious and restless minds.

With the understanding that it is important now more than ever for parents to encourage their children to leave the screens and engage in mentally challenging activities that also teaches them highly beneficial cognitive skills such as critical thinking, high order thinking discipline; improve focus and memory and more. Chess is one such game that teaches kids all that and more. However, teaching kids a complex game like chess is a big challenge.

CrocoChess is a fun game to learn chess with a snappy crocodile. Designed to make learning chess amusing and offers beginners with a higher chance of winning with its added luck feature.

International Master John Bartholomew (FIDE Rating 2477) believes that developing a child's interest and keeping them focused is the biggest hurdle for children learning chess, "Keeping their attention on such a difficult game as chess. It is quite common for a child to become disinterested when they struggle to remember the rules. This is the biggest stumbling block to teaching chess to young players, in my opinion." Master Bartholomew elaborated.

International Master Erik Kislik (FIDE Rating 2343) experienced that the lack of patience, a tendency to get discouraged by defeat, and a willingness to give up easily may hold children back from fully grasping the game and learning to love it. He proposes that keeping a fun, upbeat attitude and a nudge in the right direction motivates them.

Grand Master Bartosz Socko (FIDE rating 2593) agrees that learning chess should be fun to overcome the notion that chess is a dull game. To solve this problem Grand Master Socko tried different things to keep the children concentrated on the game and one of the best ideas was telling them "Chess Stories".

During the research Grand Master Krasimir Rusev FIDE rating, 2532 observed that it is really hard for the kids to evaluate the positions correctly if their pieces are passive but at the same time they are up a pawn. "To counter that problem, I use examples with an N on the edge of the board and the squares controlled by the piece there." Grand Master Rusev explained.

International Master Johan-Sebastian Christiansen FIDE rating 2499 suggests that parents must nurture an interest of chess in their children, which motivates them to play. Keeping thing fun is the best way to do that Christiansen reiterated.

Finally, International Master Francois Godart FIDE rating 2420 has worked with children ages 13 and up. This allowed him to notice that teachers, parents or even a game designed to teach chess must adjust at the child's level and avoid giving them too complex variations.

Through these important observations and expert solutions, CrocChess team continues to develop the game that teaches children (3-7) chess by keeping them interested.

The board game is currently been funded through a crowdfunding campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/crocochess-learn-chess-the-fun-way-in-2-easy-steps-family-toys/x/15405254#/.

About CrocoChess
CrocoChess is a fun, crocodile invaded game to learn chess designed for any child 3+.

Media Relations Contact

Geraldine Leite

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