Market Research Store releases a new market research report "Global Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) Market 2010 Forecast to Industry Size, Shares, Strategies, Trends, and Growth 2016" to add to its collection of research reports.
Deerfield Beach, FL -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/28/2015 -- The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) market forecasts indicate markets at $65.6 million in 2009 are anticipated to reach $1.1 billion by 2016. DMFC will account for 85% of the portable fuel cell market by the end of the forecast period.
Small portable devices are well suited, in terms of storage, safety, and energy density, to use of methanol as a fuel for fuel cells. Direct hydrogen feed for fuel cells requires complicated storage and would take much more space in small portable devices. There is also the safety issue of compressed hydrogen being allowed on airplanes. Cartridges of methanol can fit into existing retail channels or be available from OEMs. Methanol cartridges could be available through any number of delivery channels and accepted without difficulty into the consumer market.
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DMFC is a subset of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell technology. The direct methanol fuel cell or DMFC is emerging as a significant energy source for some cell phone and laptop applications. DMFC emergence is viable in the portable device sector. Commercialization is driven by consumer demands and desires for a power source that can operate alone or as a supplement synergistically with existing advanced battery technologies.
DMFC technology is used to power consumerÂ]portable devices. Applications are achieved through continuing research and innovation. Micro fuel cells are being developed. These are showing efficiency rates close to 40 percent.
Methanol is the type of material used in the fuel cell stack to generate the chemical reaction (electrolyte) needed to make electricity. DMFC fuel cells emit fewer pollutants than other forms of energy generation, they have the potential to use 50 % less energy than internal combustion engines and 30 % less energy than conventional gasÂ]fired power plants.
Nanotechnology improves fuel cells. Nanotechnology is used for making fuel cell catalysts. Catalysts are used with fuels such as hydrogen or methanol to produce hydrogen ions. Platinum, which is very expensive, is the catalyst typically used in this process. Companies are using nanoparticles of platinum to reduce the amount of platinum needed, or using nanoparticles of other materials to replace platinum entirely and thereby lower costs.
Nanotechnology is providing significant breakthroughs in catalysts that provide improvements in capability. Through extensive catalyst development and use of superior membrane materials, QuantumSphere has developed MEA technology that allows the direct methanol fuel cell to operate with up to 10X higher methanol fuel concentrations, without a sacrifice in power, which can directly lead to as
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Table Of Content
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Executive Summary
Nanotechnology in Fuel Cells
Direct-Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) Market Driving Forces
Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) Market Shares
Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) Market Forecasts
1. Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) Market Description and Market Dynamics
1.1 Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC) Applications
1.1.1 Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC) Used For Portable Power Applications
1.1.2 Fuel Cell Not A Battery But A Generator
1.1.3 Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) Eliminating The Need For A Fuel Reformer
1.1.4 DMFC Proves More Reliable Than Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cells
1.2 DARPA Mandate Yields Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Technology
1.2.1 Possibilities for DMFC
1.2.2 Stationary Applications of DMFC
1.3 Residential Applications of DMFC
1.3.1 Transportation Applications of DMFC
1.3.2 Portable Power Applications of DMFC
1.3.3 Landfill / Wastewater Treatment Using DMFC
1.3.4 Marine Applications of DMFC
1.4 Active And Passive DMFC
1.4.1 Target Products And Markets For Passive And Active DMFC
1.5 Methanol Fuel Cells Benefits
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