Robert Golan, PC

Announcing Appeal Won in Work-Related Injury Case

Robert Golan, PC, a Long Island Workers’ Compensation attorney announces winning an appeal for a work-related injury case five years after diagnosis of the condition five years from the start of it.


Plainview, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/01/2016 -- A local woman has won her Workers' Compensation appeal thanks to a vigorous defense by Long Island work accident compensation lawyer Robert Golan, PC.

At trial, it was determined that the employee in this case, suffering from back injuries, had filed her case too late. Under New York State's Workers' Compensation Law, injured workers have up to two years to file claims.

In this case, the woman filed when she realized she had an injury due her activities at work, which consisted of repetitive bending, lifting and holding her body in a fixed position. But the judge in her case ruled she "knew, or should have know" back in 2010 that her injury was directly related to her job. She sought medical treatment for her back at the time, but was not told her injury was work-related.

According to her Long Island Workers' Compensation attorney, Robert Golan, the woman could not be held accountable for any earlier diagnosis or actions as a result of it.

"I argued the worker isn't a doctor and has no medical training," Golan said. "She can't be charged with 'knowing' that she has a work-related medical condition until her doctor tells her so."

Golan argued that his client did file a claim when she was finally told by a medical professional her condition was work related in 2015. Based on discovery, this time frame fell within the two-year deadline. The argument convinced the Appeal Bureau to reverse the trial judge's original decision that the case was not filed in a timely manner. The plaintiff won all her Workers' Compensation benefits, including those she should have been awarded over the original two-year period and all necessary medical treatment.

Robert Golan is a leading Long Island work injury compensation lawyer serving the greater New York area and Suffolk County. He opened his solo practice in 1999. He handles every case personally because he had seen how large firms always gave clients the impression experienced senior partners would manage their case, only to eventually discover a junior associate learning their craft at the client's expense, was representing them. In that regard, Golan manages all his cases beginning to end, providing every client with comfort knowing an experienced work accident compensation lawyer is defending them on Long Island.

Besides this current victory, Golan has argued and won several other high profile and publicized appeals, including Funke v. Eastern Suffolk Boces and Nickel v. Pilgrim Psychiatric Hospital.

About Robert Golan PC
For over 15 years, Robert Golan, PC has represented injured workers in their Workers' Compensation cases. We serve the following areas of New York:

-Nassau County
-Long Island
-Suffolk County

If you had a work-related accident and want to see if you have a case, contact Long Island Workers' Compensation attorney, Robert Golan, PC. Mr. Golan gives his clients personal and professional.

Robert Golan, PC serves as a Long Island social security disability attorney and Workers' Compensation attorney, serving Long Island, Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk County, New York.

We believe your accident and injuries are important. Robert Golan, PC is dedicated to providing you with excellent service. Contact us at 516-586-3910 to discuss your case.

Robert Golan, PC
516 586-3910
1670 Old Country Rd. Suite 226, Plainview, NY 11803