Sales and marketing are important elements to the success of any business, especially Baltimore area MSPs. Fortunately, Next Level Technology Director of Sales Scott Adelman has joined the board of Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI).
Hunt Valley, MD -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/15/2012 -- Marketing a small business and closing deals with potential clients is as much an art as it is a skill. And while the sales and marketing professions may still lack the respect and recognition they deserve, the business leaders whose companies benefit from the efforts of skilled sales and marketing professionals, like Next Level Technology’s Director of Sales Scott Adelman, certainly do appreciate them.
Adelman joined Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) in 2011 as a Gold member. Membership in SMEI allows Adelman to better serve Next Level Technology and the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. communities as he carries out SMEI’s mission of being “dedicated to ethical standards, continuing professional development, knowledge sharing, mentoring students and advancing free enterprise,” and the organization’s three-part vision:
The Profession: SMEI is the acknowledged thought leader that advances the contribution of the sales and marketing profession to the success of organizations worldwide.
The Member: SMEI is respected by its members, their companies and the business community for its dedication to, and practice of its Five Founding Principles™.
The Community: SMEI embodies ethical sales and marketing professionals who contribute to their communities.
Adelman has upheld SMEI’s high standards so well that he recently received the honor of being appointed to the board for the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. areas.
“I’m excited,” said Adelman. “I’ve always believed in being straight with clients and potential clients, even if it means they’ll go somewhere else. And I also believe in giving back to the community. So, I’m really honored that SMEI has recognized that by making me a member of the board of the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. chapter. I’m really looking forward to taking on this challenge.”
Membership in SMEI allows sales and marketing executives like Adelman to meet and form lasting friendships with other sales and marketing executives as well as take advantage of webinars and workshops that help them stay up to date with changes in the profession.
About Next Level Technology
Baltimore, Maryland-based Next Level Technology, LLC is locally owned and independent and serves the computer networks of businesses in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.
If your business is looking for Baltimore IT Services or you wish to learn more about Next Level Technology, please call (410) 616-2000 or send an email to Learn more about Next Level Technology at
About SMEI
Sales Managers’ Clubs were founded in the late 1880s in North America to fulfill the need for the sales and marketing profession to gain recognition based on sound standards and ethical practices. They gradually spread throughout Europe, Australia, South America and the Pacific Rim.
The organization’s name went through a few changes before finally becoming the Sales and Marketing Executives International in 1961. Today, SMEI continues to be the leading association of sales and marketing management worldwide. Members enjoy perks such as a quarterly magazine, access to a comprehensive online library of sales and marketing information, and frequent local meetings that keep members apprised of the latest and most effective sales and marketing strategies.