Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Now Reaches Patients' Best Weight Loss with Medically Supervised hCG Diets and Education on Healthy Food and Meal Planning

Diet Doc’s hCG diets are specially designed to achieve patients’ best weight loss goals with prescription fat reduction aids and education on healthy food and meal planning to improve parents’, and possibly children’s health, according to a new study.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/17/2013 -- Today’s health news headlines are consistently warning of illnesses and diseases associated with weight gain, but with the rising rates of childhood obesity, parents must now also consider the weight of their children. New studies published in the online version of Pediatrics suggests that parents can influence the weight of their children by simply changing the size of plates and the frequency they offer children healthy food selections. Encouraging a child’s habit of eating healthy food has to first begin with transforming the unhealthy habits of the parents. Diet Doc’s hCG diets offer patients the ability to achieve their best weight loss goals with prescription weight management aids and counseling on incorporating healthy food into their meal plans. Diet Doc understands that reaching best weight loss goals is important, but maintaining that weight for the future is imperative not only for the patient’s health, but also for the health of their children.

As reported on by Yahoo! Health, researchers with Temple University considered the influence that plate size and eating frequency had on the weight of children. They studied 42 elementary school children and found that when the child was given an adult-sized plate, they were more likely to consume approximately 90 more calories of food than when using a child-sized plate. Also, researchers with Harokopio University studied nearly 19,000 teenagers and found that when their subjects ate four to five times per day, they were less likely to be overweight or obese. Importantly, both studies acknowledge that plate size and frequency with which children are offered healthy food can depend on the influence of the parent. Diet Doc believes that by incorporating healthy food into patients’ hCG diet plans they will not only reach their best weight loss goals, they will also impact the weight and nutrition of their children.

Diet Doc’s hCG diets help patients achieve their best weight loss goals by prescribing effective, physician supervised fat loss aids like prescription strength hCG treatments. These treatments succeed in attaining best weight loss by suppressing the appetite so patients can consume fewer calories. By curbing intense cravings and seemingly uncontrollable hunger, patients can reevaluate their calorie intake and begin choosing healthy food that gives them abundant energy and leaves them feeling full and satisfied.

Reaching their best weight loss goals will motive Diet Doc clients to continue with hCG diets in order to maintain their weight in the future and carry healthy eating habits over to their children. Diet Doc understands that achieving these goals can be challenging and is committed to helping patients succeed in their journey toward their ideal weight. The team of Diet Doc’s professional weight management experts is specially trained in helping patients lose weight fast with hCG diets and offer unlimited access and consultations for patients six days per week. Physicians, nurses and certified nutritionists are available to answer any questions patients may have about hCG diets, healthy food choices and much more along this important journey.

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