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Centerflux, Inc. Launches New Indiegogo Campaign to Power the Energy Revolution

Vflux Chips and Generators to Usher in New Era of Free Energy


Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/18/2015 -- Centerflux, Inc., a company dedicated to bringing about an energy revolution that changes the world, announced today the launch of its new Indiegogo campaign. Vetted by scientists from industry and major universities, funds raised will be utilized to help build the first series of the company's Vflux chips and generators and publicly demonstrate the potential of Vflux chips to interface with and power everyday objects, including phones and automobiles. The company's ultimate goal is to build a better tomorrow and to usher in an era when all energy is free.

Vflux chips are electric generators the size of computer chips with the ability to outperform any other type of generator or energy source, including solar panels, nuclear reactors and oil. Each chip produces 40 watts and can continually convert heat into usable electricity, regardless of weather, time or location. The chips are cheaper to produce and maintain than any other generator, don't create pollution or waste and won't harm the environment in any way.

With Vflux chips, consumers would never have to worry about their phones or laptops dying, and could potentially drive their automobiles for tens of thousands of miles without ever having to stop for gas. Homes, factories and more could be run at no continuous cost. Additionally, initiatives that were otherwise unfeasible due to energy costs, such as desalinating and transporting water to the entire world, would suddenly become viable.

Indiegogo contributors donating $20 or more will have their name added to a special backer list that will be included in each shipment of Vflux chips and generators. Donations ranging from the $58 level to the $3750 level will receive Centerflux, Inc. technology products including lightweight USB power output jacks capable of continuously running and slow charging phones or other small USB-powered devices, phone power packs, generators and more.

At the $10,000 level, donors will be rewarded with Power Infinity Generators (PIG) designed to completely replace their energy bills, or one of the very first working Vflux test chips, along with a personal ticket to the launch event and their name on every Vflux product box. At the $75,000 level, donors will receive a custom install of Vflux technology.

For more information about Centerflux, Inc. or Vflux chips and generators, or to contribute to the new Indiegogo campaign, visit the Indiegogo campaign page.

Media Contact:
Michael Graybill
Centerflux, Inc.