LCPtracker, Inc.

CEO Mark Douglas Focuses on Prevailing Wage Laws at Annual Conference

Davis-Bacon Takes Center Stage at LCPtracker’s 2017 Ignite User Conference


Orange, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/23/2017 -- LCPtracker, Inc., the leader in construction compliance management software solutions for public works, held their 7th annual user conference from May 30th to June 2nd at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California.

The annual user conference, Ignite, aims to educate members of the construction industry on the important regulations that effect their companies, and highlight the positive effects that labor and workforce laws have on communities and disadvantaged workers.

As expected, Davis-Bacon was a highly-discussed topic at the conference. "We have irrefutable proof that labor wages only make up a maximum of 21% of the construction budget on a project," said LCPtracker CEO, Mark Douglas.

Speakers at the LCPtracker user conference stressed the lack of accurate evidence that proves the rumored repeal of Davis-Bacon would save money for the American taxpayers. "At maximum you could see a 4% decrease in construction costs if Davis-Bacon were repealed, but those thousands of prevailing wage workers would then fall under the poverty line and qualify for welfare and social assistance programs," said Douglas.

From the contractor and agency side, productivity under Davis-Bacon was another key topic. "A skilled carpenter performs faster than a lower-paid, less skilled worker," said Douglas. "Studies suggest 15 to 20% in increased productivity, a figure that directly parallels the cost savings."

Keynote speakers also covered a broad range of topics during the conference addressing issues such as: labor compliance principals, workforce training, tracking and reporting, and public works apprenticeships.

Daniel Villao, Deputy Administrator for the Office of Apprenticeship at the Department of Labor, tackled the topic of apprenticeship as a keynote speaker. His speech foreshadowed recent administration announcements regarding plans for creating one million new apprentices in the next two years.

Mr. Villao leads programmatic and expansion design in the Federal Registered Apprenticeship(RA) system. He is leading teams charged with the expansion of Apprenticeship USA across the nation and has overseen integrating new technologies to modernize the approach to American access to careers.

LCPtracker also offered comprehensive training on reporting, advanced interfaces, and workforce management.

Watch Daniel Villao's speech:

About LCPtracker, Inc.
LCPtracker, Inc., located in Orange CA., is empowering people to build better communities though data driven decision making. We provide software services specializing in prevailing wage, workforce and labor compliance reporting for the construction industry. Since 2003, LCPtracker has provided powerful web-based SaaS solutions for collecting, verifying and managing certified payrolls and workforce requirements. Using this data, disadvantaged workers, veterans, women and inner city people are getting careers and apprenticeship opportunities in construction. These jobs allow good wages for the most at risk individuals in our communities. Today, LCPtracker clientele includes 29 of the top 100 cities, 9 statewide Department of Transportations, 7 of the top 10 largest construction companies in the nation and hundreds of other major local municipalities nationwide. LCPtracker has provided compliance reporting on over $180 Billion in projects with more being added every day.  As the company continues to expand, more communities and American workers benefit.

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