System Insights

Completion of Critical Solution for CNC Integration Announced by System Insights

Completion of Critical Solution for CNC Integration Announced by System Insights


Berkeley, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/28/2013 -- System Insights (SI) announced the completion of a critical solution to integrate robots and machine tools. This extraordinary advancement moves toward “plug and play”, factory level interoperability between these two disparate technologies.

The solution was developed with a team of partner organizations and companies under a grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) led by the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM). This application was successfully demonstrated and tested at the NIST Gaithersburg research facility.

According to Will Sobel, CEO of System Insights, “We utilized two powerful industry standards – ROS/Industrial and MTConnect - to create a cost-effective automation solution for shops looking to address labor cost issues and process consistency associated with managing their shop floor.”

In the most recent demonstration at NIST, the software enabled a robot conversant in ROS/Industrial to load and unload parts into a Mazak lathe using the MTConnect standard to coordinate the activities. This project marks the first time a read-only protocol has been utilized to integrate manufacturing equipment in a fully distributed manor.

Fred Proctor, leader of NIST’s Smart Manufacturing and Construction Control Systems Program, enthusiastically reported, “The goal of this project and follow-up efforts is to make it as easy as possible to integrate factory robots and machine tools and also to reconfigure them in response to changes in orders or customer requirements.” Douglas Woods, President of The Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT) which sponsors MTConnect commented, “This is a giant step forward in resolving manufacturing interoperability issues. To witness existing standards like MTConnect and ROS being leveraged in such a collaborative effort is exciting.”

About the Project
This work was conducted under Grant Opportunity Number 2012-NIST-MSE-01 for the Intelligent System Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in collaboration with System Insights, SwRI (Southwest Research Institute), NCDMM (National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining), AMT (Association for Manufacturing Technology) and Mazak USA. Future plans for the team to continue this exciting manufacturing technology include extending the framework to measurement and verification with additional devices such as CMM and conveyors.

About System Insights
System Insights, ( based in Berkeley, California, with offices in Chennai, India, is a leading global supplier of manufacturing software in both machining based, discrete and process industries. Through the innovative combination of a comprehensive real-time data solution and multidimensional, complex reasoning technology, the SI flagship product - vimana - delivers predictive analytics solutions to improve client’s efficiency, productivity, and profitability. vimana provides these data while enabling customers to realize sustainable manufacturing objectives. The vimana software platform delivers a unique combination of Cloud Computing and Big Data capabilities that sets out to revolutionize the economics of manufacturing. System Insights is a proud member of both AMT (Association for Manufacturing Technology) and NTMA (National Tooling and Machining Association). Follow System Insights on Twitter @systeminsights.

System Insights
William Sobel