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Conversations with a Phone Sex Goddess: New Memoir Dials Up Fascinating Insight Into Phone Sex Industry

Based on the real-life experiences of author Cheryl Mitchell, ‘Conversations With A Phone Sex Goddess’ quashes preconceived assumptions about those who work for phone sex lines and the clients they converse with. As the only book of its kind on the market, readers around the world are invited to pick up their handset and learn that the industry stands for more than just kink.


Oxnard, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/20/2013 -- As a middle-class Jewish girl, Cheryl Mitchell was raised with a strong work ethic. Already holding down a well-paying job, but looking to earn extra cash, her Mom’s announcement of an advert in the paper looking for ‘phone actresses’ came as a surprise. After being told that she had a great voice and confirming this with the hiring agency, Cheryl Mitchell’s new job as a phone sex worker was a million miles from the serving or retail position she’d expected to secure.

However, after twelve years in the industry and an abundance of stories to tell, Mitchell has released a riveting new book that shows the phone sex industry in a light that many have previously refused to accept. ‘Conversations with A Phone Sex Goddess’ prove that the industry is as professional as any other.

“The book starts out with my beginnings, the newspaper advertisement and actually getting the job. The rest of the book contains over 25 calls that I actually took. These are some of the most memorable, funny, naughty, explicit and just fun calls. It gives you a peek into what type of people call a phone sex line and my thoughts after most of the calls,” says Mitchell.

Continuing, “These are my conversations I had with real people. I learned early on that I was good at it, which kept me doing it for as long as I did. I have never been embarrassed or ashamed. I figure if my parents knew I did it and didn’t judge me, who cares what others think.”

The book’s entertaining yet informative narrative showcases sides of the industry that few consider. Among the benefits are; great compensation, allowing employees to work from home, feeling that you are actually helping people, and attracting phone actresses from diverse backgrounds & occupations. Mitchell’s memoir stands to turn the industry’s wilder reputation on its head.

Above all, Mitchell strives to help the public remove assumptions and stereotypes about both the callers and the girls they speak with.

“I am someone who wanted a job. I realized that most who called were regular men who needed someone to talk with; that’s it in a nutshell. They like adventure and really what I learned is that there are so many people out there who just want someone to talk to who won’t judge them. Isn’t that what we all want? Someone to listen and care?” she adds.

Critics praise the author for her diligent attempts to gain further acceptance of the telephone sex industry from the wider public.

‘Conversations With A Phone Sex Goddess’ is available now: http://amzn.to/14g6w9e

About Cheryl Mitchell
Cheryl Mitchell was born in Southern California, rich with diversity.

She was raised by two open minded loving parents who often told her she could do anything and be anything.

Cheryl fell into writing when she took a part time job as a phone actress. She was so fascinated by her calls, that she took notes to remind her of her callers. When she told her nights events to her friends their immediate reaction was that Cheryl had to share her stories with the world.