Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Designs Nutrient Rich Meal Plans to Provide a Healthy Answer to the Question; "What's for Dinner?"

Diet Doc's uniquely developed diet meal plans are quick, simple, and fit comfortably into each patient's lifestyle while promoting the most successful and rapid weight loss available.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/04/2013 -- While fast food companies continue to attract customers with cheap prices and increasingly larger portions, Americans are getting bigger and bigger. The rate of obesity in America has increased steadily over the last 30 years, a time period that has witnessed an explosion in the number of fast food restaurants, vending machines, and convenience stores. The link between fast food and obesity seems simple enough: Fast food is notoriously high in fats, sugar, salt and calories.

It makes sense that anyone who consumes fast food on a regular basis will gain weight. Even though the basic premise of fast food restaurants is to typically provide unhealthy food choices that encourage weight gain, the final decision to choose this fat-filled unhealthy food is ultimately that of the individual. The experts at Diet Doc realize the draw that fast food chains have on Americans, and urge patients with healthy meal choices and easy meal planning, a more fit and sustainable way to eat and live.

The results of a study conducted by the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) which monitored the eating habits of over 3000 young adults over age 15, suggested that fast food can cause extensive health issues and that the connection goes way beyond fast food and obesity. This study revealed that those that ate fast food two or more times per week experienced an average weight gain of 10 pounds more than the participants consuming fast food less than once per week. In addition, the study also proved that the regular consumption of fast food increased the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Diet Doc has taken America’s fast-paced lifestyle into account and is pleased to offer Diet Doc clients the newly modified prescription hCG diet. The new prescription hCG diet generates fast weight loss by providing dieters with a simple solution to the typical question of "what to prepare for dinner?". Those dieters that follow the prescription hCG diet meal plans are finding themselves losing weight in the most stubborn areas, such as the belly, hips and thighs, while consuming a nutritionist-developed, nutrient rich diet, designed to fit comfortably into every lifestyle, making meal planning nutritious, yet quick and simple. New Diet Doc clients also receive an hCG compatible recipe book which features over 50 easy to prepare meals.

Diet Doc has refined and refurbished the original 1950s hCG diet plans to increase the daily allowable caloric intake, while incorporating a wider assortment of delicious and nutritious food choices to the diet meal plans. Prescription hCG is dispensed after a satisfactory medical evaluation and doctor consultation, and is typically administered once daily to be used with the uniquely developed diet meal plans in order to achieve optimal weight loss.

This personalized ketogenic diet transforms the body into a fat burning machine by signaling the brain to target years of trapped and stored fat and release it into the bloodstream to be burned by the body as the primary source of energy. Because Diet Doc delivers only pure 100% prescription hCG that has the ability to naturally suppress the appetite and curb between meal cravings, as well as being fortified with Vitamin B12, patients are losing weight, looking and feeling better than ever before and all without the typical dieting side effects.

By offering unlimited support, pure prescription hCG and uniquely developed diet meals plans, as well as helpful tips and detailed instructions, Diet Doc has assisted thousands in naturally and successfully disposing of years of trapped fat.

Diet meal plans will be developed for those that have struggled to lose that last 10 pounds to those that must lose 100 pounds or more. The professionals at Diet Doc urge those that have been unsuccessful in achieving weight loss goals in the past to call today for a free consultation and to experience freedom from the burden of excess fat.

Diet Doc Contact Information

San Diego, CA

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg