Obesity, linked to countless diseases, has reached epidemic proportions in America. Diet Doc introduces the new, improved hCG diet plans, proven to provide safe and fast weight loss.
Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/09/2013 -- Currently in America, over 33% of adults are considered obese and studies show that by 2030, 42% of adult Americans will be obese. These same studies show that obese Americans are continuing to gain weight. Severe obesity is expected to double by 2030, rendering 11% of adults nearly 100 or more pounds overweight leading to increased rates of heart disease, Type II diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and even certain cancers.
Diet Doc’s expert weight loss specialists have spent years modernizing, refining and improving the original 1950’s hCG diet plan and have created the nation’s leading medically supervised fast weight loss diet plans, providing a simple and sensible solution to America’s obesity epidemic. Simply by following the guidelines of Diet Doc’s doctor designed prescription hCG diet plans, Americans can realize weight loss success at incredible rates.
hCG was originally discovered by Dr. A.T. W. Simeons in 1954, and found to promote fast weight loss when administered in low doses and used in combination with a very low daily caloric intake. Diet Doc has improved the original Simeons hCG diet plans by allowing patients to consume more than double the daily caloric intake, making it a safer, more effective method of losing unwanted fat. In addition to allowing more calories, Diet Doc only offers pure prescription strength hCG. Patients successfully completing the prescription hCG weight loss regimen typically enjoy healthier eating habits by consuming more raw and natural foods and using healthier preparation methods, thereby achieving a healthier weight. The end result leads to improved health and less risk of developing countless weight related diseases and conditions.
Subsequent to an extensive medical evaluation and doctor consultation, Diet Doc’s certified nutritionists will create customized diet plans tailor made and specific to each patient’s dietary and nutritional needs. Prescription hCG will be administered and is available to Diet Doc clients in three equally effective forms. The patent may choose, dependent on lifestyle and personal preference, injection hCG, which is fortified with Vitamin B12 for an extra energy boost, sublingual tablets, or oral drops. When prescription hCG is used in conjunction with the personalized diet plans, patients will notice the fast loss of pounds and inches. Diet Doc will design diet plans for patients struggling to lose that difficult last 10 pounds to those that need to lose 100 pounds or more.
In addition to prescription hCG, Diet Doc offers a wide variety of delicious diet foods and snacks, as well as an elaborate collection of specially formulated, prescription and non-prescription vitamin and mineral supplements and prescription diet pills designed to accelerate weight loss.
Reversing obesity and the health risks associated with America’s obesity epidemic requires one to change lifelong habits, beginning with making healthy food choices. Diet Doc guides each patient from beginning to end and is available 6 days per week via telephone or Skype, lending unlimited support, guidance and encouragement to assure a successful weight loss journey, as well as long term weight maintenance.
Diet Doc Contact Information:
San Diego, CA
Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg