Abuja, Nigeria -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/02/2013 -- Signup for FREE on muyora.com, upload and sell your music via sms billing. Are you a music artist who has fans all over the world who love your music and want to purchase it online, but they don't have a credit card or paypal. How can a seller sell his music to them ?
(www.muyora.com) allows music artists, record labels, music aggregators to signup, upload and publish their music for sale in over 30 countries worldwide via sms billing. It is a great alternative to retail music sites like itunes and amazon and a great opportunity to sell to people who don't have access to conventional payment methods like paypal and credit cards. And it’s all completely FREE of charge to signup and use the platform. Our platform allows you to have a user account, upload your audio content, publish, monitor sales etc all from a user account.
70%of Internet USERs do not have a CREDIT or DEBiT CARD , but they have Mobile phones.Selling your music/digital content on muyora gives you a much higher conversion rate with SMS payment than with payment by credit card or paypal.
Our startup addresses and caters to content producers and gives them a wider approach to monetizing their digital content worldwide.
Buying and selling digital content via mobile carrier billing is a very tedious process and also involves serious technical programming and logistics, Muyora is the first ever platform that centralizes the process of selling and buying digital content online via mobile payment.
What is Muyora Music?
Muyora Music is a website that allows you to play, share and buy music online. What makes Muyora music unique is the ability for you to buy music, files, ringtones, music videos and audio content without the use of Credit Cards, Paypal or using any sensitive data. All payments on Muyora are made using your mobile phone via SMS.
Buying Music takes about 1 min per transaction. You don’t need to sign-up, no forms to fill. It’s secure and anonymous. No personal information stored or transmitted. Choose the digital item or song you want to buy, you will be instructed to SMS a ‘keyword’ to a short code e.g ‘MYR 8231 to 32001’ on the download page of that item. Charges vary according to networks and different countries, but all are clearly shown. Muyora then returns an SMS message containing a PIN number that you enter into the download page to confirm your purchase and start downloading.
Sell your music in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portuga, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Nigeria.
Media Contact
Person Name : Ayo Oreoluwa
Email Address: info@muyora.com
Company Location : Abuja, Nigeria
Website address : www.muyora.com