Hrodna Voblast, Belarus -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/28/2013 -- Popular blog dedicated to providing important information related the medical profession to students across the country, today got a new address - The same was announced by a representative of the company in a Press Conference. Speaking to the media, Marc from USMLE Monster said, “We are pleased to confirm that the popular blog, dedicated to offering information on medical professions to student has been moved to a new address -”
He further added, “We now have a dedicated website with our own URL and a number of additional features along with a revamped look.” He further added, “We would continue to provide related information in the times to come as well.” Sources confirmed that the site posts articles related to medical profession explaining the related details on a regular basis. A few of these focus on salaries of different doctors including MD’s, neurosurgeons and cardiologists among others in different states in the country like New Your, Los Angeles and Miami among others. The blog also focuses on topics helping aspirants achieve success, examples of interview questions one can expect to face and related answers as well as comparison listings in terms of different variables like salary range among others.
Sources also confirmed that the site has a separate section dedicated to listing out the books that are useful in passing the Step I pri?r to becoming ? licensed physician in the country. The site also details out the average residence salary in the country. The representative added, “Over the years we have emerged as the preferred alternative when it comes to getting useful information for medical students. With the new website, we are planning to take the experience to an altogether new level.”
About USMLE Monster
USMLE Monster is a blog dedicated to answering questions related to medical profession including physician lifestyle in USA, salaries of different medical specialties in USA, how to become a physician in USA, how to pass USMLE, how to get medical residency and books reviews for USMLE exams among others.
Contact Information
Contact Person: James Stratocaster