Smoke Signals Inc.,

E-Cigs Now Recommended by Renowned Doctor

News at the Smoking Section about how e-cigs can help


Del Mar, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/21/2013 -- According to reports on The Smoking Section, noted psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow is recommending e-cigs to patients who have tried to quit smoking but failed in the past.

The Smoking Section, a well known and reliable source for electronic cigarette reviews and other information regarding these popular products, has reported that Dr. Ablow, who is a member of the Fox News Medical Team, has explained his experiences with e-cigarettes on the website of the news channel.

There are many who have tried to quit smoking at one point or the other but to no avail. For such patients, Dr. Ablow has recommended e-cigarettes and is now making a case for them with other doctors as well. One of the reasons is that the action of smoking a tobacco cigarette is indeed simulated by e-cigs, it’s not a perfect substitute for smoking. And that’s why they can be considered as a good alternative for cigarettes – because they’re not “perfect substitutes.”

This is a theory that has been put forward in the past. But this time, it comes from a respected doctor. Although he admits that since e-cigs contain nicotine and therefore can have some harmful effects, he also points out that according to manufacturers those amounts are quite low and don’t contain the other harmful substances that are in cigarettes. For these reasons, he believes electronic cigarettes don’t have anywhere near the same drawbacks as tobacco cigarettes.

Dr. Ablow’s statements have given strength to calls for stepped-up clinical trials on e-cigs, something the doctor supports as well. What’s more, he goes a step further in suggesting that if ecigs are proven to be a viable replacement, then they should be offered free of cost to smokers by insurance companies.

According to the report in The Smoking Section, he believes offering these devices to smokers would save insurance companies a lot of money as they won’t have to foot the bills for cancer treatments and heart ailments that could caused by smoking.

These startling remarks have certainly had an impact and added more fuel to the continuing debate over e-cigarettes. For more news stories and e-cig reviews, visit the website

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Smoke Signals Inc.,
2658 Del Mar Heights Rd. J600,
Del Mar, CA 92014