It was around Christmas time in Frankston in Victoria Australia when disaster struck. A power outage took out a server at a local software provider’s office.
Mornington, Victora -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/09/2012 -- Due to aging serve hardware many of the old servers had been migrated to a virtualised environment, it had not yet implemented a complete backup solution. When the server failed, both the power supply and the RAID controller had problems and were on the brink of major data loss. That's when Agile IT stepped in.
Agile IT had already been providing IT services on an ad hoc basis for the software provider, so they called on Agile IT again for help. After many hours of troubleshooting, Agile IT’s experts got the system to recognise the hard disks so that the server could be brought back online. Once the server was running, Agile IT immediately took backup of all of the virtual servers that were running within the environment and implemented a temporary backup solution to protect the system whilst a replacement option was implemented.
During the implementation, the IT consultant at Agile IT took a proactive stance and proposed a solution to replace the current hardware with A grade server hardware with full vendor warranty support. At the same time, the consultant recommended implementing a backup solution using StorageCraft® ShadowProtect® in order to take regular backups of the full environment with both onsite and offsite visits
The decision makers at the software provider learned first-hand the benefits of doing scheduled backups and having the right technology solution in place. The 10-person company, based in Frankston, relies heavily on its IT systems for business operations.
Due to Melbourne-based Agile IT’s excellent IT support and customer service, the local software provider realises the value of a server being able to be restored in a disaster and having ongoing backup solutions. As a result, the client is now transitioning over to Agile IT's EverWatch Managed IT plan to provide a continuous monitoring and management of their multi server IT environment.
About Agile IT Solutions
Agile IT Solutions Pty Ltd. is built on the philosophy of minimising the hassles involved with using and managing technology. We help our customers, by enabling you to focus on business, while we manage the technology needs. We partner with your business to help you to get the most out of your existing technology investment, plus assess and develop the most appropriate solution to meet your future needs.
Contact us today to get your free, no hassle, no-obligation IT service assessment or for more information on our company by calling 1300 85 99 10.