Austin, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/28/2014 -- Funeral Director Results recently interviewed Michael Shapshak of World Pay concerning the difference between credit card processors specifically in the business segment of funeral homes. In the interview they discussed there is quite an amount of differences from not only the fees charges to run all those mileage and rewards credit cards as well as the ability of the card machine to protect and encrypt the data to avoid the breaches that we seem to read about more frequently. Just last year a major retailer was a victim as well as all their customers.
"I thought this interview would be of interest specifically to funeral homes owners because often these business choices were made when fees were lower and there were no reward cards and certainly no massive IT attacks to unlawfully get consumer data," said Carolyn Holzman, director of Funeral Director Results.
Credit Cards Processing for Funeral Homes Video Interview
In recent years, funeral homes according to Citrin Cooperman, an accounting firm providing financial services to middle market companies, in their annual market survey of funeral homes. have seen "virtually no change in the average pricing structure, thereby further squeezing already tight profit margins."
In fact, often a funeral home's method to increase profitability is to control, cut of watch costs. Of Citrin Cooperman's survey, 37% respondents indicated that was their most frequent move.
It makes sense that a funeral home is looking at every cost of doing business. The average cost of a funeral nationwide is approx. $7000, even if half is placed on a credit card - the Mastercard or Visa fees as well as the reward fees are based on the dollar amount of the sales transaction. The higher the transaction the higher the fees thus fewer dollars towards the funeral home's revenue and on an item whose cost can't be easily passed onto the client.
"Worldpay is a direct processor which, unlike a bank or other organization that has to then go through a direct processor in order to process a Mastercard or Visa credit card, means that we don't have to charge more because we were charged more," said Michael Shapshak. "Almost always we see where we can save a funeral home on their transaction fees as well as other related services."
At the end of the video funeral homes are invited to request a free statement review as well as an equipment audit to ensure that their client's credit card data is secure and not vulnerable to breach. For more information, call (512) 647- 6431 or visit -
About Funeral Director Results
Funeral Director Results is an authority marketing agency to the funeral profession based in Austin TX. Carolyn Holzman is founder and her book "The 5 Costliest Mistakes Funeral Home Owners Make" is available on Amazon.