
Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketone Review - Which One Is More Effective

Honest and in-depth reviews of Garcinia Cambogia Extract and Raspberry Ketone. Fruit And Their Extracts Make Weight Loss Super Fast!


Oakland Gardens, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/12/2013 -- Raspberry Ketones and Garcinia Cambogia Extract reviews - It is no mystery that a fruit based diet or one rich in anti oxidants can do wonders for hair, skin, nails. But a greater factor of the use of fruits in one’s diet is the functions they make possible on the inside. Rich in soluble fiber and fructose, fruits make an excellent choice for people who are trying to lose those extra inches and at the same time delivers a healthy alternative for the sweet toothed population.

Some fruits are termed super foods because they pace up the body’s metabolism to rev up the energy cells, strengthen immunity against diseases, curb sugar cravings and provide a number of other health benefiting functions. Two such fruits are Raspberries and Garcinia Cambogia.

Similar Benefits, Two Worlds Apart

Raspberries come from the farms of America. They are small, sweet and colorful in appearance and have a sweet tangy taste. Raspberries are not only high in anti oxidants, they are a rich source of Vitamins A, B and especially C. Other nutrients include iron, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese. The fruit is a great choice for people who have diabetes as its fiber content has no negative impact on blood glucose. Raspberries are also beneficial in fighting against cancerous cells which has been proven by research.

Garcinia Cambogia comes from the other side of the world, found in Asia and has been used for centuries for medicinal as well as household purposes. The fruit was used in many forms of soup to give a filling feeling to the stomach as Garcinia fruit inhibits hunger cravings and signals the brain that the stomach is full. The fruit resembles a small pumpkin as is sometimes also called a tamarind. Garcinia extract comes from the rind of the fruit and is high in HCA or Hydroxycitric acid.

Raspberry Ketones, a weight loss miracle?

Raspberry Ketone are responsible for the many benefits the fruit has to offer against weight loss. The average amount of raspberry ketones in one supplement pill is 100mg for which the equivalent is almost 90 pounds of fresh raspberries. The anti oxidants are more than 50 percent than the amount found in strawberries.Raspberry ketones contain a compound called Adiponectin which helps the body break down the fat and to use it up faster. The results include higher energy levels, better stamina to do things, feeling energized and not feeling hungry between meals.

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Making waves on the Television!

Raspberry Ketone has gained more popularity ever since it was vouched for by celebrity health expert, Dr. Oz on his TV show. He called the extract a miracle weight loss in a bottle and is also listed in the top fifteen foods in ‘Eat Yourself Skinny’ on the show’s website.

Can HCA from Garcinia help in weight loss?

Garcinia Cambogia extract has one core compound called Hydroxycitric acid. Hydroxycitric acid or HCA has 2 functions. Once it comes in contact with the fat cells, it destroys them before they can be absorbed by the body. Secondly, the acid inhibits the development of fat forming cells, meaning that while it cuts away the fat currently in the body, it also inhibits the formation of more fat. This is due to the inhibition of the enzyme “citrate lyase” which converts the fat from carbohydrates. When carbohydrates or starches are not readily used up by the body, they are converted to fats. HCA enables the fats to be used up as fuel. This results in weight loss.

Does Garcinia extract help emotional eaters?

Secondly, the HCA acid also releases Serotonin, brain chemicals which make a person feel good as well as suppresses appetite. If hunger pangs are curbed successfully, a person can effectively stick to their diet plan and feel better about achieving their weekly and monthly weight goals. This is one reason why Garcinia extract is so amazing for emotional eaters who eat food on impulse or simply because they give in to their cravings. The extract will help them get over their habit of impulsive eating.

What customers have to say about these supplements:

Jenny Fontaine, a resident of New York, USA is completely taken aback by the results she experienced while using Raspberry Ketones Max. Jenny started her weight loss program as a New Year’s Resolution and stuck to it till now. Although her diet plan was in place and exercise was moderately intensive, she admitted that consuming Raspberry Ketone Max enabled her to lose up to 15 pounds.

Another customer, T.Day who started taking Garcinia Cambogia shares his experience with fellow weight watchers to abide by all the instructions and wait for weeks before they can see favorable results. Along with losing weight, he started developing better sleeping habits and increased muscle mass thanks to the release of Serotonin.

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