Chicago, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/18/2014 -- Herpes is very common and may be caused by both herpes simplex type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 or HSV-2). Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is usually associated with infections of the lips, mouth, and face. It is the most common herpes simplex virus among the general population and is usually acquired in childhood. Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is sexually transmitted and is usually associated with genital ulcers or sores. According to medical community, no cure has been found to treat herpes simplex. Once it is contracted, it is always in a person's system. However, a new study may provide hope for those suffering from this STI.
Get Rid of Herpes is intellectually compiled by Sarah Wilcox to guide sufferers of this viral disease the most effective way to deal with the root cause of herpes which will not only kill viral pathogens responsible for Herpes Simplex Virus 2 , will also foils a life sentence of future outbreaks. According to claims of the author, the Get Rid of Herpes Program is the trouble free way to get rid of the herpes simplex virus. It is totally drug free program and has helped a lot of people conquer this disease. It is a complete guidebook consisting of holistic strategies used by thousands of European physicians which guarantee the complete abolition of herpes from the body.
The guide starts off with an introductory page about the author, Sarah Wilcox, who was herself a sufferer of this communicable viral disease. After trying several anti-viral drugs in vain that gave her nothing but several prolonged sickening side effects, she decided to seek alternatives and natural ways of eliminating the virus so that she could rid herself of this stigmatizing condition. Passing many trials and errors, she finally discovered a simple and powerful self-treatment process to end the virus forever which caused no side effects unlike those by the use of anti-viral.
She introduced an e-book which can easily be downloaded and programmed for both men and women of any age. The author has not only backed this product with experience but with scientific approach which makes Get Rid of Herpes a trustworthy product. In the book, Sarah reveals effective natural remedies to rid sufferers of this viral disease. The book elaborates on the steps people have to completely eliminate herpes without the use of drugs, creams, lotions or other medical interventions. The program’s implementations are safe, restricting any harmful side effects to the body and it promises effectiveness by the application of completely natural treatment methods without laying out large amounts of cash for expensive.
The methods furnished in this product will kill the herpes causing virus pathogens and ultimately gives a person relief from the trouble just within short span. The contents are written to brief and easy to read offering the information easy to understand so there is absolutely no need to panic about them at all.
This book is an amazing reference to herpes causes (HSV-1, HSV-2), symptoms, signs, information and treatment. The accuracy and precision of each test method are tested and proven to give 100 percent success rate. The author enlightened the facts to deal with the disease and shed a lot of information from her past experience to fabricate maximum awareness so that people can familiar with it and take prompts accordingly due to the specification of the cause in brief.
The beneficiary program will suggest adopting various measures and a lifestyle in particular to ease the anxiety and agitation mounting from the herpes and through the various techniques, implementations and a definite diet plan, the herpes is curable invariably.
Get Rid of Herpes has proven to be an extremely effective, possibly the easiest way and reliable solution to slay the herpes simplex virus. It is so popular due to its simplicity of use, efficiency and fast excellence price, normally curing people within a month, some within a week. The eBook covers the science behind the ability of body to fight, resist and eliminate these viruses. Further, anything less than 100% satisfaction will fetch users back ALL their money within 60 days of trial.