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Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar, Speedy Publishing's New Health, Fitness & Dieting Book Published

Getting To The Core Of Apple Cider Vinegar published under the Imprint Speedy Publishing Books


Newark, DE -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/27/2013 -- From Nicholas Stiles comes a great book published under the imprint Speedy Publishing Books.

"Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar" is your one-stop shop for all you need to know about apple cider vinegar as it relates to your health. This concise book solves the persistent, confusing dilemma of what is fact or fiction about incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet, into your daily health regimen, or into an aggressive healing remedy. After assessing the available research conclusions and comparing vast amounts of anecdotal evidence, "Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar" digs through the hype in order to arm readers with the information necessary to make decisions about their health in relation to apple cider vinegar. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with claims, dogma, superstitions, or studies, readers will feel clarity of mind as they discover a pathway of thinking along the way. Owning your own copy of this book will enable you to have your own ready resource at your fingertips. One of the benefits of owning your own copy is having the different measurements and ingredients mixes suggested easily accessible at any time. Another benefit is knowing you have the most up to date information on apple cider vinegar available currently. Readers will get to learn what ailments respond well to apple cider vinegar, how apple cider vinegar may enhance daily living for them, the scientific studies that exist to prove what benefits in the body from apple cider vinegar, and a myriad of uses to be tried with apple cider vinegar. For many ailments that benefit from apple cider vinegar there is no specific way of reasoning or proof to explain why they respond from apple cider vinegar, but for some others there is. Some medical conditions respond to apple cider vinegar, and scientists have been able to figure out how or why. Weight loss success stories that surround the apple cider vinegar community don't seem to have much in the way of explanation, but readers will learn that this is one of many instances where not having the reason isn't reason enough to dismiss it as ineffective. "Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar" is truly an invaluable resource as the only book you'll need to own on apple cider vinegar. The most useful, timely, and appropriate information is compiled in these pages, simplifying your journey as the reader, and affording you the opportunity to gain knowledge and make choices as an informed consumer.

About Nicholas Stiles
After researching, reading books, and speaking with several people all on the topic of apple cider vinegar, Nicholas Stiles has decided to write the book Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar because his main goal was to make a resource where all the confusion cleared and answers, as best as they exist, are given. Getting to the Core of Apple Cider Vinegar exists as a catch-all resource to help educate the public without bogging them down with confusion or dismissal. Within the pages of the book, the problem he is trying to solve, of the confusion surrounding apple cider vinegar's vast claims to health, is approached in every perspective. He dissects why there is so much hype, what constitutes believability, the truth of scientific testing occurring or not occurring, and support based on evidence rather than lack of support being the inability to produce evidence. He shows where there is actually less of a problem and more of a solution without standard data available for support. Empowering the reader with logic and truth is what allows them to read the book and come to the conclusion of making a choice.

Pick up a copy of Getting To The Core Of Apple Cider Vinegar at all major online and offline retail stores or ask your librarian to stock it.

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Getting To The Core Of Apple Cider Vinegar * by Nicholas Stiles
Publication Date: February 9, 2013
Digital ISBN: 9781628840254
Print ISBN: 9781628840247
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