MarketResearchReports.Biz has announced addition of new report “OpportunityAnalyzer: Graft-Versus-Host Disease - Opportunity Analysis And Forecasts To 2023” to its database.
Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/25/2016 -- has added a new report to its compilation of market intelligence documents on the pharmaceutical sector. The report, titled "OpportunityAnalyzer: Graft-Versus-Host Disease - Opportunity Analysis And Forecasts To 2023," helps identify the unmet requirements as well as upcoming opportunities in the global market for GVHD therapeutics. The report can help users construct market strategies through a stronger understanding of all trends, restraints, and drivers of the global GVHD therapeutics market, especially for the U.S. and five major EU countries.
According to the report, the global GVHD therapeutics market is showing a CAGR of 12.84% within a forecast period from 2014 to 2023. The market was valued at US$297.0 mn in 2013 and is expected to rise to a value of US$544.0 mn by the end of 2023.
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The primary driver of the global GVHD therapeutics market is the growing count of allogeneic hematopoietic transplants of stem cells. Another factor responsible for the growth of this market is the growing usage of 6MM marketed therapies and biologic off-label therapies.
The report marks key players in the global GVHD therapeutics market, including Sanofi. The report states that this is currently the top player in the market, due to the high market share taken up by its products, Lemtrada and Thymoglobuline. Both drugs are formed by the infiltration of prophylaxis, aGVHD and cGVHD. Another major player in the global GVHD therapeutics market is Johnson & Johnson, with their product Remicade. The company has earned a substantial share of the market's revenue through its large patient base of aGVHD. A major reason for the popularity of Remicade is its efficiency in treating GVHD with involvement in GI, something very few other drugs are capable of.
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cGVHD is also generating additional attention in the global GVHD therapeutics market, through the implementation of Rituxan by Roche. The report expects this drug to be the best selling one in the current market scenario till 2023.
The report also contains an in-depth analysis of the pipeline procedures in the global GVHD therapeutics market, including a phase-oriented data split analysis and data about the mechanisms of action that are currently being developed. These include GVHD-specific therapies, CD25a blockers, and TNF blockers.
One of the biggest restraints on the global GVHD therapeutics market is the low number of random studies that can be conducted on a large scale. As a result, most doctors tend to enroll their patients or patient groups in a non-accurate manner. The patients are made to undergo vague treatment recommendations. Currently, only one graft versus host treatment – intravenous methylprednisolone – is considered as standard in the market. Even this therapeutic measure cannot provide a complete response in at least half the treated patients.
Other treatments such as the use of steroid-refractory subgroups also face a poor prognosis, added to a reduction in the quality of life due to their usage. Treatments in second and third life usually vary between different nations and even between different medical institutions within a country.
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