Transparency Market Research

Hydrobromic Acid Market Key Players, Supply Chain and Analysis to 2026


Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/20/2018 -- Hydrobromic acid is a strong acid. It is prepared by dissolving hydrogen bromide (HBr), a diatomic molecule, in water. Many a time, anhydrous HBr (by the hydrolysis of certain bromides) is prepared at first and then dissolved in distilled water. At other times, electrolytic process is used to produce hydrobromic acid on a large-scale instead of the commercial method that produces the reaction among sulfur, phosphorus, and water to prepare hydrobromic acid.

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Hydrogen bromide is a highly corrosive substance. Its prolonged exposure to extreme high temperatures and fire can lead to violent ruptures and even rocketing of the container in such conditions.

Hydrobromic acid is used on a wide scale in industries for the production of inorganic bromides such as bromides of calcium, sodium, and zinc. It is useful for the synthesis of alkyl bromides through the use of alcohol. Hydrobromic acid is used in oxidation processes where peroxides, ketones, and acids are obtained from aliphatic and acyclic hydrocarbons by conversion. It is also used widely as a catalyst in industrial processes such as dehydration, esterification, isomerization, hydration, and even polymerization.

Hydrobromic acid finds a wide range of application as a catalyst in the manufacturing processes of several industries, which is expected to drive the market in the near future. Hydrobromic acid is extensively used in the production of bromides such as calcium bromide, sodium bromides, and zinc bromide. These bromides are further used in various industries; for example, calcium bromide has applications in the medical industry in neuroses medication and in the food industry as food preservatives and freezing mixtures. Sodium bromide is employed in the petroleum industry for the preparation of dense fluids used in oil wells. It also has major application in the medical industry as an anticonvulsant, hypnotic, and sedative.

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Zinc bromide is used as an electrolyte in zinc bromide batteries. It is also extensively used in the nuclear-energy and nuclear-medicines industries as a transparent shield against radiation through integration in the windows of hot cells (chambers useful for protecting individuals from radioactive isotopes).

Considering the rise in the number of industries wherein hydrobromic acid is used (directly or as a catalyst) in the developed as well as developing countries in the current decade, demand for hydrobromic acid is projected to remain stable.