Morgan, UT -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/07/2015 -- Everyone loves celebrities and wishes to learn as much as possible about the world-famous idols. There is plenty of information available on the web nowadays, but real fans always remain unsatisfied with these facts and look for different ways to learn more about popular stars. Realizing this, Michael Starr, a real celebrity fan, has decided to collect all the possible information about these people in one place. This is how was launched. is a website striving to fulfill a very important mission – provide people with the most interesting and detailed facts from the lives of the most popular celebrities. This is what Michael Starr, the founder of the resource, tells about it: "This site is a perfect place for a real fan. If you love celebrities and wish to find out as much as possible about them, you can learn the detailed facts here. This is where you will find out everything the celebs do, say, buy, wear, eat etc. Believe me, you won't find anything better! "
The website contains exhaustive info about those music and video stars, who enjoy immense popularity nowadays. What makes this resource special is the fact that it contains only 100% truthful information and the facts that are considered true and tried. There is no need to surf other websites looking for the details you would like to know. Everything users are interested in is presented at Moreover, this is where everyone can find quality photos and videos of the celebrity needed.
Apart from the well-known info, such as the basic life facts, education, hobbies, career details, discography, relationships, awards, labels etc., one can find unique and unknown facts about any celebrity. These include the personal data (age, weight, height, religion etc.), body measurements, sexual orientation, official social networks addresses, quotes, fun facts and even the most intriguing questions and answers about the idol. All the articles published at the site are regularly updated with fresh facts so that each fan could be aware of any changes happening in the life of the celebrity. "I've tried really hard to make your surfing and reading 100% enjoyable, so welcome to the best website about celebrities there has ever existed on the Internet!", - says Michael Starr.
For more information, please, feel free to visit
About is an online resource that contains the detailed and the most interesting information about the most popular celebrities. This is an ideal place for each fan, who strives to find out more about movie or music stars. The main feature of the website is that users have a chance to find out not only the well-known facts, but also unique details, which are especially interesting and attention-grabbing.
Contact Info:
Address: 353 E Imperial Drive, Morgan, 84050 Utah, USA
Tel.: 801-829-5457