Jillian Michaels Authors New Book - "Slim or Life"


Bedford, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/15/2013 -- When you opt for fitness or weight loss books, whose would you choose? You would probably opt for a well known name in the fitness circle rather than opt for a weight loss book authored by an unknown name in the industry. In every industry this is the same psyche that applies. People would rather listen to what known people have to say than give time reading up books by unknown people. Those who have already established credibility in their line of work have higher chances of selling what they have to say. Thus, when it comes to weight loss books, the latest in town, “Slim or Life” authored by Jillian Michaels has got people interested as she is a fitness trainer of repute.

Why It Should Sell

When experts on fitness author their own book, people rush to buy these books for the following reasons:

- They wish to gain the insights of these famous people and understand their secrets of success
- They know that such people have established their credibility in their chosen profession and wish to learn the best knowledge that they have to offer
- Many feel that they will discover many secrets about these people from their book; facts that they do not reveal otherwise

A Look Inside Jillian’s Food Habits

What does Jillian Michaels have for breakfast? She has two eggs cooked with very little oil along with two slices of dry toast. She also drinks coffee. In fact, she says that coffee has many beneficial properties. She recommends that one should have two strong cups of coffee a day, about 400milligrams. It will surely cure one of the following:

- Fight pancreatic cancer
- Reduce chances of Alzheimer’s disease
- Improve the cognitive functions
- Prevent type 2 diabetes

Common Sense Tips

These are some of the wonderful, common sense tips that she starts off. The fact that she is not chewing on raw soya beans or green coffee beans makes people feel encouraged to follow her advice. As she is not goodie-goodie about her diet which includes alcohol occasionally as well as opting out of the gym during busy days, makes her advice more realistic and acceptable to people. Many people, especially women will identify with the busy mother of two, a three year old daughter and an 11 month son dealing with constant tours for promoting her book besides battling to stay healthy and in shape. Read more at http://ocbtp.com

Her book has common sense, simple ideas for fitness. While you might not find radical, fast weight loss ideas, the advice she provides will be helpful for one to stay healthy and in shape for a long time. That is what counts at the end since it is a tougher task to stay slim for life than to get into shape for a small period of time. If you are intrigued, be sure to look up Jillian’s book when you visit the bookstore next.