Having used the leaves of the ancient Moringa Tree to kick his three-pack-a-day smoking habit, Al Ballard is now on a mission to share his self-developed quit smoking program with the world. In his compelling new book, ‘You Don’t Need to Smoke Anymore!’, Ballard shares his ground-breaking program that is cheap, easy to follow and boasts no withdrawal symptoms.
Helena, MT -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/06/2013 -- While one in five deaths in the United States is the result of smoking-related illness, few can stomach the withdrawal symptoms that are part and parcel of trying to give up. However, after Al Ballard discovered Moringa (a flowering plant native to Asia and Africa) and kicked his own smoking habit with no sign of withdrawal, he has embarked on a mission to share his self-developed program with the world.
Everything is outlined in ‘You Don’t Need to Smoke Anymore’, the powerful new book and the first step in Ballard’s new program.
In You Don’t Need to Smoke Anymore! Al Ballard gives a fool-proof, failsafe step-by-step method to quit smoking once and for all. Utilizing leaves of the moringa tree—considered a miracle tree in many countries and even revered in others—combined with a gradual and progressive substitution plan, you can quit smoking with absolutely no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever.
Al Ballard doesn’t just talk the talk. After 50 years of smoking 2-3 packs a day, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He knew that it was only a matter of time. After a spiritual awakening and an ironclad reinforcement of his belief in God, Al created the method that got him off tobacco.
By following this program, you can finally break your addiction once and for all and not have to go through the mental agony, physical withdrawals, and all the other numerous, unpleasant side effects that accompany quitting smoking.
As the author explains, Moringa is gradually used as a replacement to traditional toxic tobacco.
“The aim is to gradually get people down to smoking a mixture that is 80% Moringa and 20% tobacco. That easily deals with the harmful side of things. The next step is to empower smokers to move past the physical and mental act of smoking, into a new life that is enriched with health and longevity,” says Ballard.
Continuing, “I’m proof that the program works. My life once took place on a couch, coughing and spluttering my way through sixty cigarettes a day. Now I’m feeling and looking younger than ever, with more zest and energy than I ever imagined. Anyone call follow the model – they just have to buy the book.”
To assist readers with their efforts, Ballard stocks official supplies of Moringa that can be purchased by and mailed directly to readers. Coupled with his book, anyone can quickly get all of the resources and supplies needed to take their last drag and give up smoking for life.
“The biggest thing Moringa does is eliminate withdrawal completely. Removing this barrier means millions of people can now quit quickly and easily. My book is there; all you have to do is buy it!” Ballard adds.
With the book’s popularity increasing, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.
‘You Don’t Need to Smoke Anymore’, published by Red Willow Publishing, is available now: http://amzn.to/18FOL4f
For more information, visit the book’s official website: http://www.youdontneedtosmoke.com/, which contains a number of insightful tutorials and resources to assist readers.
About Al Ballard
Al Ballard was born at 7:07 AM on 7-7-1947 and has lived an unusual and charmed life ever since. He has had numerous jobs including (but not limited to) truck driver, driller, tool dresser, heavy equipment operator, bartender, lab tech and janitor while his main career has always been as a salesman of many products and 30 years of owning and operating a placer gold mine near his home town of Helena.
Never one to conform to the boring hum-drum of “normal” everyday life, he has appeared in six movies (including “A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT”), six television shows (including “NORTHERN EXPOSURE” and been a contestant on four game shows (WHEEL OF FORTUNE, SCRABBLE, SUPER PASSWORD and THE PRICE IS RIGHT).