Notify Technology Corporation

Notify Technology Publishes Free Guide to Help K-12 Schools Choose and Implement Mobile Device Management Systems

8 Questions to ask when embracing mobile technology in schools and mitigating risks, plus 14 steps on How-To implement a new system.


San Jose, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/20/2013 -- Notify Technology Corporation, a leading Ohio mobile device management solution provider, announced today the publication of its free guide for selecting and implementing 1-to-1 and classroom mobile cart programs in K-12 schools. The guide, titled “Managing Smartphones and Tablets in K-12 Schools” is available now via free download.

Notify created the guide for schools that are embracing new mobile technologies by putting smartphones and tablets in the hands of students, while also seeking to ensure student safety and avoid classroom distractions. The free guide highlights eight main project considerations and software evaluation criteria, plus the fourteen key steps in the implementation process, as well as two case studies documenting K-12 schools who have implemented mobile programs using Notify’s own NotifyMDM product.

The publication is a particularly useful resource for Directors of Educational Technology who are dealing with mobile device adoption and security issues. It speaks not only to Notify’s own software enhancements for the K-12 sector, but to the broader Educational Technology industry’s concerns in selecting among and implementing device management solutions in this fast-changing mobile landscape. "We are committed to helping schools increase productivity, collaboration, and learning through mobile technology," said Michael Smith, Vice President of Marketing. “The point of our new downloadable guide is for it to be a useful, valuable tool in and of itself, for Ed Tech professionals, regardless of which mobile device management solution they may utilize.”

As an example of cutting-edge new software tools available, Smith continues, "with NotifyMDM, we are allowing schools the oversight and control they need to provide students a better educational experience – while providing a solution that is simple to implement and use, at a price that is affordable." In addition to policy configuration, security, application management, file sharing, and visibility into real-time device statistics, the NotifyMDM product offers a cloud-based solution that requires no additional hardware or school servers on-site. It provides role-based administration from the district down, allowing shared management with various levels of administrative privileges. Apple environments receive support for the Apple Configurator as well as integration with the Apple Volume Purchase Program, allowing the distribution of prepaid apps without requiring students or faculty to visit Apple's App Store. Schools may also distribute applications, implementing whitelists or blacklists, push educational files to specified groups, and share eLearning resources to aid in student assignments using Web Clips.

About Notify Technology Corporation
Founded in 1994, Notify Technology Corporation is an independent software vendor (ISV) who has specialized in wireless mobility solutions and services. Notify’s products including NotifyLink, NotifySync, and NotifyMDM support all major smartphone and tablet platforms independent of wireless carrier or network. Notify sells its mobility products directly and through authorized resellers internationally. Notify is an official Apple iPhone Enterprise Development Partner, Android Development Partner, BlackBerry Development Partner, Windows Phone Development Partner, and Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program (SEAP) Silver Partner. The Company is headquartered in San Jose, California with product development and technical support located in Canfield, Ohio. For more information, visit or contact 408-777-7930.

NotifyMDM provides organizations of any size, real-time visibility and control over a variety of mobile devices regardless of operating system, liability, carrier, or email platform. Whether on-premise or in the cloud, NotifyMDM provides a number of features including policy creation, compliance management, device statistics, audit tracking, app management, file sharing, and report generation, all from a single administrative console. NotifyMDM is now available. For more information about NotifyMDM please contact Notify directly at (408) 777-7930 or send an email to or visit our website at

At Notify Technology Corporation:
Justin Harris, Marketing Manager
Phone: (330) 702-3070 Ext 331