My School Appeal

My School Appeal Partners with Parents to Prepare Appeals for Admissions to Schools

Helps Counter Panel Denials and Educate Parents On Rights


Leicester, Leicestershire -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/16/2013 -- According to statistics released by the Department of Education, the percentage of appeals lodged by parents against non-admission of their children to their preferred school in the school years 2010-2012 has increased, however, the number of decisions decided in favor of the parents have decreased. To counter those odds, education consultant specialist John Walker says parents need to be prepared when they go before the panels.

Says School Appeal Specialist Walker, "When you get the school's case for refusing you a place it can seem overwhelming. The facts and figures can take your breath away and many parents feel lost and hopeless. Infant Class Size appeals are often the first experience that parents have of the school system. And boy can it be one heck of a shock! On rare occasions it may be possible to challenge the admissions authority in respect of infant class size regulations. It is rare to win Key Stage 1 Appeals - but not impossible."

Walker advises parents to keep a calm head, regardless of how emotional the situation can make them. "If your child is refused a place at your chosen school it can feel like the end of the world. It is a traumatic experience for you and your child. The prospect of a school admission appeal is daunting. Where do you start? What are the right things to say? More importantly, what are the wrong things? Learning how to put your case forward is the key to a successful appeal. Securing a place at the right school can change your child's life. Understanding government education department and school rules for the school entrance admission process, school admission appeal code and hearing is not easy. When you add to that understanding the issues on which the school appeals panel really base their decisions, the prospect can be very confusing."

Having an attorney with experience in school appeals on your side makes all the difference, says Walker. "We are able to provide advice, write the appeal statement and even attend the exclusion appeal hearing if you instruct us to. This is a complicated area of law that inevitably has a very emotional impact on all concerned. Our service is based on years of experience dealing with Education Law matters and we can help you though this difficult process. We offer a free 20 minute consultation to determine if we are able to assist in your child's case."

About My School Appeal
My School Appeal is a company consisting of a specialist solicitors practice dealing exclusively with Children and Education Law. John Walker, the principal solicitor, has provided advice in literally hundreds of school appeals over the last 10 years. He regularly clerks appeals and exclusion panels and has developed and provided training to panel members and other clerks.