Only 5% of car crashes involved texting while driving
Doylestown, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/17/2014 -- The National Safety Council has been in operation since 1913. The mission has always been the same: to work with businesses, the public, and government to help prevent deaths and injuries in the workplace, on the road, and within the community by providing research and educational materials on preventable accidents.
The 2014 U.S. Injury and Fatality Statistics has been released and contains detailed information about injuries and deaths when accidents occur because of distracted driving, work place safety issues, prescription drug misuse, and much more.
Surprising New Statistics
1. The evidence continues to mount that cell phones and driving don't mix, even when a hands-free device is used. Slightly more than a quarter of all traffic accidents have been linked to mobile phone use while behind the wheel. Alarmingly, that number has been steadily rising, even with many efforts to inform the public about the hazards involved. Only 5% of car crashes involved texting while driving. However, 21% occurred while drivers were only engaged in a phone conversation. This statistics includes both hand-held and hands-free use.
2. Unintentional poisoning deaths are mounting. In fact are a leading cause of preventable deaths in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Opiod prescription pain killers are a major part of the problem and contribute to more deaths in the U.S. each year than illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. In many cases, the drugs were obtained from friends instead of physicians.
3. When workers are injured on the job, the most costly type of injury involve the central nervous system or head injuries. Worker's compensation insurance plans report longer periods of lost time. Ongoing efforts to upgrade safety helmets should be implemented if the risk is high within a given workplace.
Using the NSC Injury Facts® 2014 Edition
Big data numbers reveal opportunities for safety measures. CEOs and safety officers use these statistics to help uncover hidden hazards within businesses and manufacturing processes in order to reduce the risk of injuries. Business analysts are able to extract potential costs due to preventable accidents using this data which can be translated to safer working conditions relieving worker's compensation claims.
The National Safety Council also works to eliminate deaths and injuries due to preventable accidents by providing educational materials. Local schools, communities and businesses use these programs as the basis for safety meetings. In fact, many of the successful ordinances against mobile phone use while driving have been driven by accident statistics presented by the Council.
Being informed helps people make better choices and eliminates risk. The NSC Injury Facts® has been in publication for 90 years and has been tracking accident statistics and trends since its inception. Awareness of risky practices keeps communities and local businesses safer for everyone.
About Robinson Law
Paula Robinson Esq. is certified as a specialist in the practice of workers’ compensation law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. is a website where injured workers can become educated on worker’s compensation and be represented by a certified specialist in the practice of Allentown workers’ compensation law.
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