Fast Market Research recommends "Consumer Trends Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Indian Dairy Food Market" from Canadean, now available
Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/17/2014 -- Summary
This report provides an overview of the Indian Dairy Food market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. The report highlights innovative new product development for effectively targeting the most pertinent consumer need states and offers strategic recommendations to capitalize on the evolving consumer landscape
Key Findings
- India's Dairy market is one of the fastest-growing worldwide in volume terms
- India's booming youth population is looking to Dairy to fulfil age-based nutritional needs
- Time-scarce consumers are increasingly seeking products that can be consumed outside of the home
- Fun and Enjoyment is particularly important to young consumers, who consume a third of all Dairy
- Consumers are motivated by the ethical treatment of cows due to their status in Hindu culture
- India's low per capita consumption of packaged Dairy products provides significant room for growth as disposable incomes rise and cold-chain distribution networks improve.
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This report allows readers to identify the key demographic groups driving consumption in the Indian Dairy market, and what motivates their consumption. The report uses a unique method of quantifying consumer trends to highlight the degree of influence they have on consumption within the category. This enables the reader to identify the most important trends within the market and also determine whether beliefs over what influences consumer behavior within the category are accurate.
In particular, this report includes:
- Key consumer demographic groups driving consumption within the Indian market are identified. The figures showcase the number of Dairy occasions attributed to specific age groups and gender, as well as identifying whether these demographic groups "over" consume in the category (i.e. they account for a higher proportion of occasions than the proportion of society they represent overall)
- Market value and volumes over 2008-2018 for India and nine other countries across the globe
- The report quantifies the degree of influence that the 20 key consumer trends identified by Canadean have on Dairy consumption volumes, with granular analysis on the extent that degree of influences varies between gender and age group
- The report provides insight to highlight the "so what?" implications behind the data, and analysis of how the need states of consumers within the Dairy category will evolve in the short-to-medium term future
- Examples of international and India-specific product innovation targeting key consumer needs.
Reasons to Get This Report
Companies Mentioned in this Report: Aavin, Amul, Badam Milk, b-Activ, Britannia, Coca Cola India, Danette, EnWave Corp., Flaavyo Yogurt, Go Cheezooz, Himalayan Products, Kirin Plus-i Cheese Cubes, Kirin Brewery, Koiwai Dairy Products, Ksheer Slim 'n' Fit, Landmark Dairy Products, Mazaa Milky Delite, Moon Cheese, Mother Dairy, Nestle, Organic Cow Milk, Parag Milk Foods, Powerful Yogurt, Slim Dahi, Slim Milk, Topp-Up, Zdrayvery
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