Josh Chang

Ontario Students Learn Better Habits for Life Through School Programs with


Peterborough, Ontario -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/26/2013 -- One thousand students from the Adam Scott Secondary School in Peterborough will receive 3 Choice School Programs from Scott Gallagher, President of Power of Choice Education Inc. ( “Teenagers are being faced with adult decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Our program helps then make the right choices,” Gallagher said.

The Habit Master program focuses on a variety of bad habits teens identify as behaviors they would like to avoid. These range from nail biting and junk food to stealing and violent behavior. The program teaches students strategies for successfully dealing with habits they want to stop.

The cost of the program has been covered by Nelro of Edmonton, Alberta; by Freedom 55 of Peterborough, Ontario; and by of Toronto, Ontario

In the morning, the "Power Of Choice" keynote will be given to 1,000 students from grades 7 and up. This address is sponsored by Freedom 55.

100-300 students who wish to go deeper into Habit Mastery will then attend the hour-long Habit Master seminar and Q&A session. This portion is sponsored by

Finally, between 20-30 students will participate in the Team Leadership Habit Mastery Program. This is a 3-hour program, followed by 4 weeks of follow-up with Mr. Gallagher, that helps students and three teachers perpetuate what they've learned about in the seminar. This portion of the program is sponsored by Nelro Flooring.

About HabitMaster
HabitMaster.Com is a company that helps individuals and organizations create Habits of Success.

Freedom 55 Financial of Peterborough, Ontario helps clients reach their financial security goals with solid financial security planning.

Nelro Services Ltd. of Edmonton, Alberta is Canada's premier provider of quality floor coverings.

Scott Gallagher
40 Wickstead Way
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 5E4

Click here for an article about the impact our Team Leadership Habit Mastery program has on kids