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Rational Polemics: Ground-Breaking New Book Challenges Life's Established Beliefs

Written by Richard Devens and provoking bold thought, ‘Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life’ compels readers to question the possibility that all they have come to know in life could be wrong. Can prostitution be beneficial? Is religion a delusion? These are but a few of the questions addressed in the book that dares to challenge everything they have come to trust.


Fishkill, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/18/2013 -- While many are willing to debate and question their beliefs, few would readily admit that all they come to know in life could in fact be wrong. In a controversial and provocative new book by Richard Devens, readers are dared to challenge their ideas and values pertaining to life’s long-held conventions.

‘Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life’ was inspired by the author’s growing disillusion with religion. The result is a bold opportunity for millions of others to re-evaluate their own beliefs about all areas of life.


‘Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life’. What if every convention we've been spoon-fed all along turns out to be wrong? Richard Devens presents a provocative, controversial, outrageous challenge to the ideas and values that most of the world merely accepts “on faith” – ideas that, upon closer examination, make little sense.

Devens challenges accepted social conventions and moral standards, posing bold questions that fly in the face of many of life's long-held conventions and political correctness: Does poetic justice exist? Is forgiveness always the best method to achieve closure? Do we have the right to end our own lives? Should drugs be legal? Can prostitution be beneficial? Told through personal anecdotes, with tongue-in-cheek humor and refreshing candor, ‘Rational Polemics’ is a breath of fresh air to anyone ready to consider the true nature of evil, the hypocrisies inherent in religion and other prickly debates. The book opens readers' minds to new ideas about deep and often difficult topics, sans the sugarcoating.

As the author explains, his book is an alternative view on life that could sway readers’ opinions forever.

“The book is a microcosm of daily life. Provocative questions include: Is adultery wrong? Do the media tell anything but lies and is there such a thing as a lousy personality?”

Continuing, “Readers will be introduced to new ideas on everything from cannibalism and rude people to distracting background music. While heavy, the book contains many humorous anecdotes and encourages looking at life from a lighter perspective.”
With an abundance of debate waiting, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.

‘Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life’, published by Outskirts Press, is available now: http://amzn.to/1aLXNAf

For more information, visit: http://www.OutskirtsPress.com/rationalpolemics.

About the Author: Richard Devens
Richard Devens is a classically trained pianist, piano instructor and writer. His article “What Is Talent?” appeared in the September/October 1992 issue of Piano Guild Notes. “Earl Wild-The Romantic Master,” a full-length interview of the late great piano virtuoso, was the cover feature of the November/December 1996 issue.

Richard is co-author of the book Martial Arts for Kids (Weatherhill, 1997). He has also contributed articles to WUSHU KUNG FU, Official Karate, Karate/Kung-fu Illustrated and BLACK BELT. He lives in New York.