Jody Flanagan

Decreasing Hydraulic Fatalities: What Employers Are Now Doing to Help Save Lives

In their quest to achieve new hydraulic safety goals, countless construction, engineering, hydraulic maintenance personnel, electrical, and other companies are turning to outside help to learn specific hydraulic procedures.


Toronto, Ontario -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/01/2010 -- Did you know that by not following proper hydraulic safety methods, 25% of Canadian occupations are subject to hydraulic fatalities and severe injuries? The construction, manufacturing, mining, marine, agriculture, forestry, and aviation industries have long fought the difficult battle of ensuring safety among workers.

Most hydraulic fatalities and injuries are the result of practicing poor specific hydraulic procedures and ill-trained hydraulic maintenance personnel. For this reason, businesses and companies who have hydraulic systems are hiring specialized instructors to teach safety practices and safe operational procedures. However, many hydraulic fatalities and injuries are attributed to employees who are not properly trained to operate such machinery.

For example, a 16-year-old victim died after the victim’s head was crushed while retrieving an item from a loader. In another incident, a 26-year-old male was shocked to death by an overhanging hydraulic power line while unloading a truck. In another unrelated incident, a hydraulic maintenance personnel worker was crushed to death while servicing a forklift.

These accidents are preventable if the employer would have arranged for an outside agency to assist them in training employees on hydraulic safety. When companies have a high number of hydraulic system accidents, many turn to businesses that specialize in training others on specific hydraulic procedures. It is important that Canadian occupations offer training on hydraulic safety and operations for their employees.

The Hydraulic Safety Authority of Canada is one of these businesses that offer safety awareness training specific to hydraulic systems and components. With technical and hands-on experience, their hydraulic maintenance personnel are able to give effective training for companies that are looking to decrease hydraulic fatalities and injuries.

The Hydraulic Safety Authority of Canada is one of these businesses that offer specialized training in specific hydraulic procedures. With technical and hands-on experience, their hydraulic maintenance personnel are able to give effective training for companies that are looking to decrease hydraulic fatalities and injuries.

Their training encompasses all aspects of safety awareness related to hydraulics including research, implementation, development, and even designing special training to fit each of their client’s needs. They are able to train employees on-site at their place of work or at a different location if desired. For additional information about how your business or company can effectively decrease hydraulic fatalities and injuries, visit The Hydraulic Safety Authority of Canada’s website at or email them at