Queensboro Shirt Company

T-Shirt Company Begs Humans, Animals to Come Together and Dance Like Chicken, Celebrate “Greatest National Holiday of All Time”

Chicken Lovers Everywhere “Throw Their Rollies in the Sky, Wave Them Side to Side” in Celebration


Wilmington, NC -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/14/2010 -- Chickens and dance have both been around since the beginning of time. The two are honored Friday as National Dance Like a Chicken Day celebrates the majestic rhythm and excitement created when chicken and dance not only get together, but get funky.

In honor of this momentous annual occasion, Queensboro Shirt Company has created a shirt that will give the glorious combination of chicken and dance it’s just due.

“We hope that animals and humans all around the globe can put on their ‘Dance Like a Chicken Day’ t-shirt and really fly their freak flag this Friday,” says Queensboro Founder and CEO Fred Meyers. “As we all know and surely agree, it is a travesty we are required to work this Friday. So, in honor of chicken and dance everywhere, we strongly encourage you to find at least 30 minutes to get your freak on. Whether it be in the hallways at work, in the parking lot, the communal bathroom or on top of your desk – we can all agree that it is important to give thanks.”

The Queensboro staff of more than 100 people will each be putting their full support behind the day and plan to get together for one of the biggest National Dance Like a Chicken Day group dances ever caught on film. A variety of dances will be on display and can be looked to as “go-to” dances for those celebrating at home.

One can show respect to some of the founding fathers of National Dance Like a Chicken Day by performing a rendition of the classic “Chicken Dance.” More contemporary chicken and dance lovers can “Do the Funky Chicken,” a grand ole ditty penned by Rufus Thomas in the 1970s,or even remix the likes of the widely revered “Hokey Pokey” or “Cha-Cha Slide.”

“We just hope this t-shirt can serve as a token of appreciation from us to all the great chicken and dance out there,” Meyers added. “This is the single greatest holiday of all time, and we all must come together and make sure chicken lovers everywhere can throw their Rollies in the sky and really, really wave them from side to side.”

To order your Dance Like A Chicken Day t-shirt and show support to chicken and dance everywhere, please visit www.queensboro.com/promo/ch514.

About Queensboro Shirt Company:
Queensboro provides custom logo shirts, hats, and accessories for companies, groups, organizations and individuals. Queensboro, a 30 year old company, has been based out of Wilmington for 15 years. They sell hundreds of name brand shirts, including their own, directly to customers. Because of this, they can offer a superior quality product at a very reasonable price. Queensboro is distinguished by its low prices, 4 piece minimum and industry unique 10 year guarantee.

To learn more about the Queensboro Shirt Company, please visit http://www.queensboro.com

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To join in on the fun and receive emails from Fred, contact Claire Becker, Marketing Manager at 800-847-4478, ext. 291.