language courses

Language Courses Gain Popularity in Non-English Speaking Countries


Toronto, Ontario -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/14/2010 -- Over the past decade, language courses like TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, etc, have gained huge popularity in non-English speaking countries or countries that do not have English as the first language. The foremost reason for this trend has been the tremendous surge in the number of people immigrating to English speaking countries (mainly the U.S., U.K., and Australia).

This fashion of migrating abroad, whether for permanent resident ship or temporarily for work or even for education, has been on a steady rise in non-English speaking countries, especially countries in Asia. With the rise in foreign immigrants, English-speaking countries have tightened immigration laws over the years. Among other things, English language proficiency has been the most strictly monitored criteria for granting visas.

With the tightening of language proficiency criteria, a number of internationally accepted English language tests have been evolved. For a person seeking immigration to any of the English-speaking countries, he is required by their law to secure a minimum specified value of scores in these tests.

TOEFL or Test Of English as a Foreign Language, is the most widely accepted of all tests. Almost all English-speaking countries have specified minimum TOEFL score requirements to be eligible for a visa. Although it is required for all kinds of visa, it is most important for securing a student visa. Different universities of different countries also have their own TOEFL minimum score requirements for foreign student applicants.

Given the importance of toefl in the immigration arena, most non-English speaking countries have been inundated with language institutes that give English language courses to meet the specific requirements of TOEFL. These language courses aim at imparting the right training in the English language so that the student is able to perfect the TOEFL score for migration purpose.

Over the past few years, TOEIC or Test Of English for International Communication has also emerged as a widely accepted and credited test of the English language. It is slightly different from TOEFL in its foundation in that it is meant to adjudge the language proficiency with the purview of the corporate or business world.

Simply put, any person employed in the corporate sector and seeks for a promotion abroad or in general a person seeking employment in an English-speaking country, must take the TOEIC test. Where TOEFL is required for studying abroad, TOEIC is required for securing employment abroad. Most institutes that offer language courses in TOEFL, also offer courses in TOEIC.

TESL or Teaching English as a Second Language is a teaching certificate, which is of importance to those who wish to teach the English language to students in a country where English is a second language, like India or Dubai. This test is of interest specifically to the ELTs or English Language Teachers, who seek employment in an English-speaking country.

In this case, they will need a tesl certification, meaning that they are qualified to teach English as a second language to the immigrants from other countries.