
Crop Protection China News 1002


Dallas, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/23/2010 -- International economic crisis not only brings great challenges to China’s pesticide industry but also drives the industry to accelerate in industry integration to cope with intense competition. With the governmental policy supports, China’s pesticide industry is expected to undergo initiative industry adjustment and resource integration.

Having fallen down to the bottom in 2009, domestic producers have more clearly realized their weaknesses in brand construction, R&D innovation, overcapacity, etc, which is to propel them to strengthen their comprehensive competitiveness.
It is sure that a masterful performance of pesticide industry will take place in 2010, together with bright shows of the winners and rough ending of the losers.

Table of contents

Lier Chemical: net profit up 16.8% in 2009

Henan Jinhui constructing spinosad production line

Guangzhou Yihetong Agro-chemical: a new business model

CCPIA suggests pesticide export promotion

No.1 Document to focus on agriculture

Shandong to support 6 pesticide projects

Gansu: China? biggest seed production base

China completes cassava genome mapping

Pests and diseases occurence forecasts in 2010

Pests and diseases situation in Guangdong

Average market price of main crops in China (29 Jan. 2010)

Crop Protection China News 1002

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