Jay Vasdewani

Help Us Help Those Who Really Need It: Victims of Autism


Gujarat, India -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/23/2011 -- Do you know of someone who has an autistic child? Have you felt the compassion and sympathy for the hapless child and his parents? It certainly is a dreadful disease that cripples not only the child who is afflicted by it but also his family. Though the child looks and is indeed healthy, he cannot adjust to his environs, and the disorder, which is neurodevelopmental in nature, seriously handicaps the child. He cannot use the most basic tool for communication which is language and engages in repetitive behavior. He finds it difficult to have eve contact with others and cannot have meaningful relations with others. What is disconcerting is the fact that the disorder has been increasing at an alarming rate and there is not enough public awareness about it.

Thankfully, there are organizations that have come forward to generate awareness about this disorder. Its incidence has increased manifold in the last decade and afflicted kids and families can be seen more commonly in all places. AutismUnited is one organization in the country that is making sincere efforts to create awareness about this disorder by organizing various charity events to raise funds. The disorder has spread its tentacles and is not confined to any socio economic strata or race or ethnicity.

It has made many helpless parents lose their jobs as they need to devote more time to look after their autistic kids and their medical needs. We at AutismUnited are making sure that we can contribute, in the most humble way to lessen their burden in a worthwhile manner.

AutismUnited is working on a one point mission, and that is to educate people about the ill effects of the disorder and also to help parents detect early signs of the disorder so that their kids who are afflicted with the disease get timely and correct medical treatment. We know the importance of knowledge and information as there is no known cure to this debilitating disease in the medical world so far. It is only through concerted efforts of all of us that we can make more and more people aware of the disorder and engineer a social movement to raise the government from its deep slumber. Today the disease is as widespread as AIDS and breast cancer, and unless we become aware of the causes, symptoms and possible treatment of the disorder, it is difficult to combat and finally eliminate autism from the face of the earth.

So come forward, and become a part of this movement called AutismUnited and help us help the unfortunate ones in their fight against Autism.