
Las Vegas Jobless Rate at Its Lowest Since 2010, Lasvegascrossing Finds 9,000 Jobs

The main job creation industry turned out to be the hospitality industry, which created the highest number of jobs in 2010. An increased inflow of tourists has resulted in around 153,000 people working in casinos and hotels in the Las Vegas area in March.


Pasadena, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/29/2011 -- The unemployment rate in Las Vegas is at its lowest level since August 2010.

There were 10,000 net jobs created in the Las Vegas area in March. The Las Vegas area employed a little over 803,000 people in March, compared to 793,000 in February. Jobs creation in Las Vegas also resulted in Nevada’s jobless rate falling to 13.2 percent in March. But the state still has the highest unemployment rate in the country.

The main job creation industry turned out to be the hospitality industry, which created the highest number of jobs in 2010. An increased inflow of tourists has resulted in around 153,000 people working in casinos and hotels in the Las Vegas area in March. The construction sector also grew in the city and now employs around 40,000 people. The manufacturing sector created around 18,000 jobs in Las Vegas, around the same number as in February. There were around 1,000 new jobs created in the trade, transportation, and utilities sector.

But the Vegas economy as well as that of Nevada is highly dependent on tourism, which again is dependent on low gas prices. An increase in the gas prices during summer could hit the Las Vegas hospitality industry as fewer tourists drive into the state and its main attraction, Las Vegas.

LasVegasCrossing, a job aggregator site, has been able to find around 9,000 jobs in Las Vegas so far. The sectors with the highest number of openings were healthcare (2,600+), nursing (1,300+), managerial (1,100+), hospitality (1,100+), and blue-collar (800+).