
New Graduates in Computer Science Still Getting Excellent Offers, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 36,000 Jobs in Nationwide.

The University of Washington‘s computer science and engineering seniors have reported that their starting salaries are as high as $105,000. The long term trend for computer science majors is excellent according to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology.


Pasadena, CA -- (SBWIRE) --05/23/2011 -- New graduates nationwide may be struggling to get an entry level job in their fields, let alone a well-paying one. But graduates and graduating seniors from the computer science field are still getting good offers. This is true nationwide.

The University of Washington‘s computer science and engineering seniors have reported that their starting salaries are as high as $105,000. They are also getting bonuses of up to $30,000. Some of the students there are being aggressively pursed even before they have graduated by top Silicon Valley firms. Other students in that department are getting internship offers of $30 per hour and the opportunity to work in Europe and Asia.

The long term trend for computer science majors is excellent according to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology. The council has said that the field is at the center of the country’s ability to achieve all of the priorities and address most of the challenges.

A study from Northeastern University shows that 68.5% of the computer science and math graduates are working in jobs that require a college degree, compared to 45.4% of humanities graduates and 55.6% of all college graduates.

InformationTechnologyCrossing, a job aggregator site, has been able to find around 15,000 tech jobs in Silicon Valley.